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I walked into the cabin after I had cleared my head of any irrational thoughts. The first thing I noticed was that there was no noise. At least no yelling. I walked into the lounge room to see Lindsey, Eliza and Rickey calming Marie and Richard was sitting with Bob on the other side of the room. I noticed that Alycia was nowhere to be seen.

I noticed that Bob was holding an ice pack to his face, and there were multiple scratches on his face. I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

"y/n are you okay" Lindsey said as she got off the couch and engulfed me in a hug. I immediately reciprocated the hug. It was comforting, something I haven't felt in a while.

"Yes, I am okay now. Thank you." I said as I released Lindsey and made my way over to Marie. "What happened while I was gone?" I ask Marie while I sat next to her and placed my hand on her knee.

"I was just so angry. I don't know what came over me, I just attacked him. After he hit you it was like something switched in me and I just wanted to hurt him. The worst part was he didn't even try to stop me. I would have kept going if Rickey didn't pull me off" She said as tears started to spill from her eyes.

"Hey, it is okay. We are all okay. No need for tears, all of this will be sorted out and we will all be fine" I said trying to calm her down. I pulled Marie into a hug and rubbed soothing circles on her back.

As I was hugging Marie I heard the back door open and I released Marie to see a puffy eyed Alycia standing there. I wanted to go and give her a hug, it killed me seeing her this way, but I knew I couldn't. At least not right now.

I watched as Alycia trudged up the stairs and Eliza quickly followed giving me a sympathetic smile over her shoulder before disappearing up the stairs. I made my way over to Bob.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" I asked him

"Yeah sure, we'll talk out back" He said as he stood up and made his way outside. I followed behind him and mouthed to Marie 'I will be fine' before I disappeared outside. Bob and I both say down on the stairs on the back porch.

"I really am sorry y/n. I was just so upset and angry seeing Alycia in that state that I lashed out. I know it is no excuse but I feel really protective of her and before she came to you she told me she was going. Then she came back to my room with tears streaming down her face and not explaining what happened during your talk, I jumped to conclusions and blamed you. Again, I am sorry" Bob explained. I genuinely felt bad for being so angry at him, but in the moment it was not an irrational decision.

"Look Bob, you have to know I would never ever even think of doing anything to harm Alycia in anyway. I have feelings for her that I have never felt towards anyone before, and that scares the shit out of me. I am not ready to commit to anything just yet, I am still trying to figure all this out, I just need time" I said letting out a sigh and resting my head in my hands. I felt Bob scoot closer and wrap an arm around me. I instinctively leant into him.

"After you left and after your sister gave me a beating" He said letting out a light chuckle "Alycia came and explained what actually happened last night. I know what Alycia did to you was horrible but she was confused and scared. She really does feel sorry. And I know you said you needed time but give her a second chance, I can guarantee you she will not let you down." He told me as he gently squeezed me.

"Thank you Bob. I really needed this. Are we cool now?" I asked as I gave him a hug.

"Yes we are cool now" He said with a small smile and I made my way back inside.

I made my way over to Lindsey and Marie. "Where is Alycia?" I asked

"Her and Eliza are still upstairs" Lindsey said. I thanked her and made my way upstairs to find Alycia. I walked past a few rooms until I saw two people on the bed. I opened the door more and saw Alycia cuddled into Eliza's side. Her tear stained cheeks made my heart break. I looked to Eliza who was still awake and running her hand through Alycia's hair.

She looked at me and mouthed for me to come over. I obliged and quietly made my way over. Once I was closer to Eliza she whispered to me "take my place." She gently removed Alycia from her side and moved so I could slip in. As soon as I did Alycia snuggled into my side and I couldn't be happier. I quietly thanked Eliza and she made her way out.

I moved down so I was in a more comfortable position. I kept running my hand through Alycia's hair and placed a light kiss to her head. I felt my eyes grow heavy and drifted off to sleep. It was the best sleep I had had in a long time.

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