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The past few days have been horrible. Alycia and Bob have gotten closer and she now shares a room with him instead of me. It hurts. We were getting along so well, I don't know what happened. Did I do something wrong? She doesn't really talk to me much anymore, which sucks because I really enjoyed talking to her, we shared so much in common, it was refreshing. On the plus side I can now walk on my foot

I was currently sitting in my room drawing, it lets me escape the real world and enter a happy place where I can express myself without the judgment of others. I always listen to music when I draw and I had it playing through my headphones, loud enough for me not to here anyone exit or enter.

To say I was scared was an understatement. Marie and Eliza decided it was a good idea to jump on the bed where I was peacefully sitting drawing and scare the shit out of me. I almost had a heart attack.

"y/n!!! Get your mopey ass out of bed and come and make S'more's with us" Eliza exclaimed, way too excited just for a S'more.

"Do I have to?" I asked not really wanting to go out their and see Bob and Alycia be all lovey dovey

"Yes y/n you do. Now stop being a party pooper and get your lazy ass up or I'll have to throw you in the lake" Marie replied with a smirk

"You wouldn't dare" I said suddenly scared as I know what my sister is capable of

"Don't test me little nugget" She said as she inched closer to me. I quickly jumped out of bed and went outside to where the others were all sitting around the camp fire. Alycia was sitting in Bobs lap but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and decided to not ruin this night and pretend that I am happy for them.

I went and sat next to Lindsey and started toasting a marshmallow as Marie and Eliza came back out of the cabin. I really did love these guys, and I feel as though this trip has made us all closer. Despite my heart being slightly hurt, I still wanted to be friends with Bob and Alycia so I tried to keep my mind off of Alycia and move on. It obviously wasn't meant to be.

We were outside joking for hours that night. It was nice and relaxing, seeing everyone have a good time. It started to get cold so we were all now in the living room just chatting. I was lying down with my legs stretched out on top of Eliza's. She was rubbing small circles on my legs. It was making me sleepy as it was quite relaxing, before I knew what was happening my eyelids were growing heavy and I feel asleep.

I woke up the next morning in my bed, I don't remember getting here myself so someone must have carried me here. I got up and took a shower. Once I was out I put on a short flowing sundress. We were heading into town for the carnival happening tonight but we were going to spend the day in town.

I make my way to the kitchen and the smell of bacon hits my nose as soon as I open the door. As I reach the kitchen there was a pile of bacon and a plate of scrambled eggs. I grabbed a plate and took some bacon and made my way out to the decking and sat down at the outside table where Eliza and Lindsey were.

"Morning y/n" Lindsey said and gave me a small smile. I just smiled in response, I am not really a morning person. I sat in silence eating my breakfast, listening to Eliza and Lindsey talk about the show. I have watched every episode and I love it. 

Once I finished my breakfast I went and washed my plate and put it away. I saw Alycia and Bob sitting on the sofa laughing at something one of them said. They looked genuinely happy with one another. It did hurt seeing them together, but Alycia obviously didn't see me as anything more than a friend. I would never be good enough, and I had to be okay with that.

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