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I woke up and found myself lying in a hospital bed connected to a drip. I assume I had passed out, there was no other explanation.

I was alone in a small room with no windows. There was a faint beeping noise and the sounds of people walking around out in the corridor. It was lonely, but I had done this to myself. I had pushed everyone who cared about me away. Look where that has got me, I didn't look after myself or let anyone help and now I'm lying here alone.

I lifted my hand to my neck and stated to play with the necklace Alycia had got me. God how could I be sis stupid and shut her out. She was the best thing that has ever happened to me. We loved each other and I could see myself with her for a long time.

I hope I can make this right again. I need her in my life. She makes me feel whole and that I have someone who will love me no matter what I do. We get along so well and we are always laughing at each other. Yes it took us a while to get where we are but the wait was worth it, I would not do anything differently, except I would not push her away.

Then there is Eliza. Yes she knows how I get about my sister but that does not excuse my behaviour. She tried so hard to get me to eat and go home and rest, but me being my stubborn self pushed her away too.

Ever since mom and dad died I have found it hard to let people in. Eliza and Alycia were two of the people I felt comfortable around and wanted to open up to but I have gone and ruined that now. I hate myself for doing that, but I was so caught up in my mind about Marie that I did not care for anyone else.

Not wanting to sit here with my thoughts any longer I pressed the button to cal in a nurse. She came in and did some overall checks. She gave me the all good and told me that my sister was still here and that her condition was rapidly improving. I sighed in relief, happy to hear some good news for once.

I made my way to Marie's room and saw that she was asleep. I quietly made my way into her room and sat in the chair just waiting for her to wake up. I once again found myself involuntary playing with my necklace thinking about Alycia and how stupid I have been.

"You have to go talk to her little nugget" I heard Marie say and my eyes shot up to meet hers. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"I am so glad you are alive. You scared the shit out of me, I thought you were going to leave me forever" I said as a tear slipped down my face. Marie lifted her hand and wiped them away. "I know I gave to talk to her, but she hates me and will never listen, I've lost her Marie" I said as the tears started to fall more.

"She doesn't hate you y/n, she misses you. She thought she had done something to hurt you and blamed herself. Every time she came to visit she would always ask how you were. She doesn't hate you babe, just talk to her" Marie said with a sad smile.

"Okay I will. But first, move over we are going to watch a movie" I said as I climbed into the small bed with her. It was a little cramped but I would put up with it if it meant I could snuggle with my sister.

After the movie had finished I saw that Marie had fallen asleep. Not wanting to wake her I turned off the hospital television and moved so I was a bit more comfy. Marie's head was on my chest and I could hear her light snores as she slept.

I grabbed my phone and decided to text Alycia.

To Leashy: Hey babe, I hope you are not too mad at me. I love you so so much and I want to work this out. Can we talk tomorrow? I miss you.

Not long later my phone buzzes notifying me I had a notification.

From Leashy: Look babe I was never mad at you, just annoyed. Yes of course we can talk, I don't want this to end over something so small. I love you too, I miss your cuddles x

To Leashy: Oh thank god. I love you so much you have no idea. I am pretty tired though so I'm going to go to sleep. I love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Sleep well babe xoxo

From Leashy: I'm looking forward to it. Sweet dreams xx

I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face excited to see my girlfriend tomorrow.

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