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I woke up tangled with Marie in her small hospital bed. They said she had to stay in for another week just to make sure everything was okay. Rickey was going to come and stay with her for the day so I didn't feel as bad for leaving to talk to Alycia.

I was beyond nervous to talk to her. I knew she said she wasn't mad over text but you felt bad for what you did. I ignored her for moths for no reason at all. Yes Marie was hurt, but that meant that I should have accepted people in not rejected them.

I drove to Alycia's apartment and quietly knocked as my hands were shaking uncontrollably. The door opened and there stood the green eyed beauty that I fell in love with. She was wearing no make up and a pair of joggers and a sweater that looked to be one of mine with her hair in a messy bun. I internally smirked thinking that she still wore my clothes.

She gave me a small smile and stepped to the side to let me in. I walked in and went and sat on the couch.

"Do you want anything to drink?" She asked

"No, I'm alright thank you" I replied with a small smile. Why was I so nervous, all I had to do was tell her the truth. She made her way over to the couch sitting down next to me. She sat closer than I expected her to. Our legs were lightly touching and it sent sparks through my whole body. Oh how I have missed her.

"Okay Alycia, I think it is only fair if I tell you the truth about my parents." I said as I took in a deep breath. "They died in a car accident that I was also in. I survived but they both died on the scene. My dad was the driver and the roads were quite icy. My mother was asleep at the time. I asked my dad to pass me something from the front and he did but took one hand off the wheel. He lost control and slid across the road and rolled down a cliff. They say it was a miracle that I am alive" I let out as I don't dare to look at Alycia. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh y/n I am so sorry, I had no idea" she said as she rested her hand on my thigh gently moving her thumb in circles on my inner thigh.

"That's not even the worst part" I said with a sigh. "After Marie found out the reason of the accident she shut me off, wanted nothing to do with me. Said that I murdered our parents and that I deserved to die in the accident" I told her as more tears streamed down my face. "I had no one to be there for me, I had to deal with my grief alone. So that is how I have dealt with it ever since, alone. It has been my only way. So when Marie was hurt I pushed everyone away because that is what I have trained myself to do. I really am sorry, I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain" I said as I finally look at her.

"y/n you don't have to apologise, I understand. Yes I was hurt and I didn't know why you shut me out, and yes I was annoyed at you and at one stage just wanted to hit you, but now that I know where this behaviour has come from I understand. But I want you to know that you don't have to go through these situations alone anymore. I am here for you, forever and always" She said as she wiped my tears away.

I gave her a small smile and placed my hand on top of hers that was resting on my thigh. I looked back down at the ground trying to compose myself. Alycia grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. I didn't fight her as I knew she would ultimately win anyway. Her hand moved from my chin to my cheek. She leaned in and slowly kissed me. I immediately kiss her back and get lost in her touch. Oh how I have missed kissing her.

One thing led to another and let's just say... best make up sex ever!!!

I fell asleep tangled up with my girlfriend. I always felt at peace sleeping in her arms, she made me feel safe. But her warmth was not able to stop this nightmare. I woke up screaming and sweating. My breathing was ragged and shallow. I felt strong arms wrap around me.

"y/n, focus on my breathing. In and out. focus on me, nothing else" I hear Alycia say and she takes my hand and places it over her heart. Its steady beating helped me calm down. Once I had recovered she kissed my forehead and we lied down again. I snuggled into her side and she ran her hand through her hair. Feeling my eyelids grow heavy I gave in and succumbed to sleep, sleeping peacefully for the rest of the night.

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