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(A/N: This is the last chapter. I might make a sequel, if I do it's just going to be their life so there won't be much of a storyline. Depending on what I do in the sequel or if there even is one the Zenians will have been defeated or not. If I end it here they've been defeated and if I continue to the sequel then I don't now.)

"Wake up kitten, I love you." I heard Lance say. As I became aware of my body I realized my head was against Lance's chest, our legs were tangled together, and my arms were around his waist. "I don't want to wake up. I just got you back and I don't want to get up and ruin anything. Oh and I love you too." I mumbled while holding onto Lance tighter. "At least let me get us some lunch or a snack before dinner." Lance replied. "No." I growled.

"How about I carry you so you don't have to get up and so that I'm not leaving you." Lance suggested and I didn't protest. He picked me up and I snuggled closer to his chest. "How do you expect me to sleep without a blanket." I complained without opening my eyes. "Ugh you're so needy I liked old completely mean Keith better." Lance said while placing the blanket on me and walking out of the room.

My tail swished happily as I curled up even more. "Stop moving so much, I'm gonna drop you." Lance said. "Sorry." I muttered as he walked into the kitchen. "Lance why are you carrying Keith? Did he let you carry him? Oh my gosh that's the cutest thing Keith has ever done I need a picture." Pidge exclaimed. "Pidge!" I groaned in protest but I didn't have the energy to defend myself any further so I just hid my face even more into Lance. (A/N: I was originally going to end it here but I decided to write some more for you guys so enjoy!)

"I love this Galra thing it makes it so easy to embarrass you!" Pidge exclaimed but I ignored her. "What do you want, kitten?" Lance asked but I didn't answer. "Cereal it is then." He said. "Um I didn't think this through, how am I supposed to grab stuff and hold you at the same time?" Lance said as we approached the fridge. I chuckled before jumping out of his arm and jumping on his back. Lance's arms immediately went to grab legs but I slapped them away with my tail. "Problem solved." I mumbled as I let my head rest on Lance's shoulder.

Once Lance grabbed our cereals he walked us over to the table and I groaned in protest. "Can't we eat in our room?" I grumbled. "Don't you mean your room?" Lance questioned. "My room, your room, our room, it's all the same." I replied and I swear I heard a squeal. "Anyway no we are not eating in our room." Lance said and I groaned again. "Stop complaining." Lance said but I didn't listen.

He pried me off his back and sat me down on the chair with me cursing at him a few times. "Keith." Lance warned as he sat down but I bared my teeth. He sighed before his face light up and I looked at him confused until he brought his hand closest to me up. He started rubbing my ear and I purred, leaning into his touch.

Lance ate his cereal without noticing I hadn't touched mine but was instead enjoying his hand on my ear. When he finally finished he looked at me with wide eyes because I hadn't started eating. I just smirked before bringing the bowl to my lips and swallowing all of it in a few gulps. "Time to sleep again." I said as I jumped into his lap. He carried me all the way back to our room and set me down on the bed before climbing in with me. I immediately snuggled into his chest and held him tightly.

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was filled with love and happiness. I released his lips and once again snuggled into his chest. "I love you." I mumbled. "I love you too, sweet dreams Keith." Lance replied.

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