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"Ok this is officially the best house ever compared to Earth homes." I said while we collapsed on my bed with Cosmo following after us. "Totally." Lance agreed. "I still can't believe you and Cosmo get along so well. I mean he's basically a dog and you're basically a cat." He said after a while. "Well then maybe that finally proves I'm not a cat." I said. "Or maybe Cosmo isn't a dog." Lance responded. "Well I guess, he's a wolf." I replied. "Exactly, So you're a cat." Lance grinned. "If we're going by that logic than I'm galran not a cat." I replied with a smirk. "Ok this is confusing me." Lance complained. Suddenly Cosmo perked up and then teleported away. Lance looked at me with a confused expression.

"Come on, my mom must be here." I said while getting up from the bed. "Or there could be an intruder." Lance added. "If it was an intruder Cosmo would have had a different reaction." I replied and headed out the door. "Hey, wait up!" Lance called out. "No way slow spoke." I called back and sped up. "Meanie Mullet." Lance muttered under his breath as he ran up next to me. "I heard that." I said. "So?" Lance huffed. "Whatever." I replied as we neared the front door.

"Hi mom." I greeted. "Sorry for the wait." Krolia replied. "Kolivan called me for a quick scouting mission to see if the Fire of Purification is really gone." She explained. "Doesn't this mean the Blade agents are off duty now?" I asked. "Well for most yes, but a few will stay to monitor around the universe." Krolia answered. "Well let's just hope another threat doesn't come along." Lance joked. "Lance! Don't jinx it." I scolded. "Ok! But aren't we supposed to go sightseeing now?" Lance asked. "Right I forgot. I'm sorry mom but we have to go." I said. "It's alright. You guys can come back here for the night instead of going to the Castle of Lions. Have fun!" Krolia replied as we left the house.

"Dude I don't understand your mom." Lance said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Like one minute she's all serious and murderous and the next she's like a normal mom." Lance explained. "Are you making fun of my mom?" I asked and narrowed my eyes and pointed my ears back. "No, no of course not I'm just saying." Lance defended but my ears were still pinned back. "It's actually pretty cool that your mom can be both." Lance added and my ears relaxed.

We headed towards my hover bike and get on. Lance wrapped his arms around my waist again and we set off. "Where to first?" Lance asked. "A souvenir shop?" I questioned. "Yeah. It would be great if there was an intergalactic post office." Lance replied. "Actually I think there is." I said. "Wait, really?" Lance exclaimed. "Yeah I'm pretty sure, as a matter of fact there's a few being installed on Earth I think." I replied. "I'm assuming you want to go there after we're done sightseeing?" I questioned and felt Lance nod against my shoulder.

I stopped the hover bike and we got off. "After this there's this kind of park place which has statues of all the different species that currently live on this planet. So every time a new species  comes on Nyla they add a statue." I said. "Nyla is kind of like America." Lance remarked. "Yeah I guess." I agreed as we entered the shop. "Hey what language does this planet speak?" I asked. "I heard Pidge and Allura say something about how it's based off Earth a bit and since Earth's main language is English then that's what they should be speaking here." Lance responded.

"Look it's Nyla's Rainbow Dome. It's one of the most popular sights." I said pointing to a souvenir. "Are we seeing that too?" Lance asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Do they have cameras? I want to send my family some pictures." Lance said. "I think I saw a Photography store on the map, it should be next to a tech shop." I replied and he grinned.

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