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"Lance, wake up! We're here." I said but Lance didn't stir. "You're even stubborn in your sleep." I mumbled and leaned down. My lips touched his and Lance's eyes fluttered open. Before he could put his arms around me to keep me from getting up I yanked my head back. "Good morning or actually good evening it's turning dark on Nyla." I said. "My head hurts I think I banged it on the headboard in my sleep." Lance groaned. "Here let me check to see if you have a bump or anything." I replied and Lance nodded. He turned away from me and I scooted towards him. "Where does it hurt?" I asked and he pointed to a spot on the back top right of his head. I ran my hands through his hair, separating it from the spot. "You have bruise." I said. "Is that it?" He asked. "Yeah, I got some Advil from Earth if you want it." I replied. "Thanks Keith, Advil would be great." Lance responded.

I got up and headed towards my bag which was resting against the wall. I opened the zipper and reached inside for the Advil. "Here, catch!" I said and threw the Advil while closing the zipper and getting up. "Come on, change so we can go." I said and he nodded.

~time skip~

We headed out the lion and into the castle. "Hey guys." I greeted. "Hey." they responded. "Alright let's head out of the castle and greet the Nylans." Allura said. "Well actually we're Nylans too because this planet doesn't have a native species and it's just filled with aliens from all over the universe." Pidge corrected. "So that means I'm part human, galra, and nylan. Well that's weird." I replied as we walked out of the castle.

"Where is everybody?" Lance asked. "Oh I forgot to mention Allura and I will be going to meet the people. You guys can check out this city, but don't go to any of the other cities yet." Shiro explained. "Oh phew I don't have to go around meeting people, well I'm going back to the castle." Pidge said and headed off with Coran following her. "Well I for one I'm going to see what type of food they have!" Hunk exclaimed.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "Want to go sightseeing?" Lance questioned. "Sure, but can we go see my mom first?" I replied. "Of course, kitten." Lance responded. "Kitten?" I questioned. "If you don't like it I can come up with something else." Lance replied. "No it's fine." I said as we headed towards the castle.

"I know my hover bike is around here somewhere." I said. "This is why you should never let Pidge handle stuff for you." Lance replied. "Lance you sh- I found it!" I said. "Come on, get on and hold on tight." I said. "Well that's a first." Lance snorted. "Well I'm sorry if I didn't want a stranger hold on to my back. Also that wouldn't be fair since we were riding with multiple people." I retorted. "Chill mullet, I was kidding." Lance replied while climbing on and holding my waist.

I zoomed off and Lance tightened his grip. "Scared?" I teased. "No! I just don't want to fall off." Lance replied. "If you say so." I said and increased the speed even more. "If you were holding onto my neck I probably would've died by now." I smirked and Lance's grip loosened a bit. "Sorry." He murmured.

"How do you know your way around so well?" Lance asked. "Well Krolia sent a map of the planet to the castle and we were supposed to study it. Since you were spending most of your time with your family while we were on Earth then I just tried to memorize as much of the map as possible." I explained. "Oh." He replied.

"We're here." I said. "Wow your mom bought a nice house." Lance said while letting go of me and sliding off with me following after. "Yeah, Cosmo even got his own room." I replied. "That I need to see." Lance exclaimed. "You don't want to check out your room first?" I asked. "I get my own room?" Lance questioned. "Yeah but you can sleep with me if you want, after all my room is bigger." I replied. "Thank you." Lance said and pulled me into a passionate kiss. "You ok?" I asked after we pulled apart. "Yeah I'm fine, more than fine. You don't know how much that means to me." Lance replied and I nodded.

We approached the front door. "Scanning for identity." A mechanical voice said. "Access granted." The voice concluded and the front doors slid open. "Do nylans take off their shoes?" I asked. "How should I know. What about the galra?" Lance replied. "I don't know." I responded. "Mom are you here?" I shouted but there was no response. "She must be out." Lance concluded. "Ok well let's explore the house." I said while taking off my shoes. "Yeah, everything is so futuristic compared to Earth though." Lance replied. "Well what did you expect we're on an alien planet."  I responded. "True." Lance agreed.

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