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I lead Voltron towards me which put me in even more pain. I hadn't been snapped out of my trance so I'm assuming that I've been left alone for a while. I don't know how long it took but I saw myself through the window of the ship from Voltron's eyes. The ship immediately started attacking and I was surprised how strong it was for just one ship. I made a mental to tell Lotor to step up the Galran technology.

I managed to get a shot at the window of my cell but nothing happened. Quiznack! How the hell am I supposed to get out now? My connection to Black felt weaker which probably meant Voltron couldn't that many hits. Looks like I have to somehow take out the weapons system. Black extended it's wings and I sped around the ship. Speed is my advantage here. I finally spotted a panel and I aimed Yellow's shoulder canon at it. As soon as the beam impacted with panel all fire ceased and I shot the window of my cell several times.

Let's I hope I don't die from this because then I just handed Voltron over to the enemy. The window finally shattered and Red scooped me up before placing me in Black. I couldn't break the connection to pilot Black though because then that meant I couldn't control Voltron anymore. I was about to leave but then I remembered the irreplaceable bayard I left behind along with my armor. I mentally slapped myself.

I flew away from the ship but they didn't engage because they couldn't attack me. I released the connection from Black and my eyes opened. I winced from pain before I dragged myself over to the console and contacted the Castle of Lions. "Shiro, Coran?" I groaned. "Keith what happened are you ok?" Shiro asked. "I'll be fine but I'm kind of in a situation." I replied. "What?" He questioned. "I need to get my bayard and armor but the Voltron is too big and neither Black or Red are strong enough to go alone and well I'm not even strong enough to pilot." I explained. "I know what to do." I heard Pidge's voice through the intercoms. "Pidge! You're awake! What about the others?" I exclaimed but there was a silence. "Pidge What happened?" I asked with a low voice. "No time, if you can make it inside Green there's s robot which you can use to retrieve your armor." Pigs replied and I sighed deciding now wasn't the time to argue.

Once the robot had made it back I immediately connected to Black again which of course resulted in a connection to all of Voltron. I rushed Voltron back and disassembled the lions. Lines shot from the castle and latched on to the lions pulling them back into the hangars while I used the last of my energy to pilot Black inside too. As soon as we were inside I collapsed forward from the seat and onto the ground just as I lost consciousness.

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