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"Hey Lotor?" I questioned. "What?" He replied. "Can you change too?" I asked. "I've never tried." He responded. "Try! I would like to see how you looked like as an altean." I said. "I don't know." He replied. "I bet Allura would love to see you as an altean." I smirked and ellbowed him lightly. If Lotor didn't have fur you could tell there was a light blush. "How did you know?" He whispered. "I have managed to bring down the Emperor of the Galra Empire with just words! What an accomplishment!" I joked. "Haha." He replied.

"Keith what did you do? He looks broken." Krolia said as she came back and gestured towards Lotor. "Well Lotor has-" I started but was stopped by Lotor's hand to my mouth. "Actually Keith here was telling me how I might be able to turn altean." Lotor answered and lowered his hand. "I don't think that should be possible, you were born galra not altean." Krolia answered. "Couldn't hurt to try." Lotor said. I thought about saying something then decided nah, I've bothered Lotor enough.

I could see faint outlines of tiny marks under his eyes starting to form. Suddenly Lotor opened his eyes. "Why did you stop? I think it was working." I said. "Too- much energy, work on- it." Lotor panted in between breaths. "You should go home Lotor. I'll finish training Keith." Krolia said and Lotor nodded while still catching his breath.

~time skip~

"Kolivan needs me back at the Blade of Marmora." Krolia said. I don't want you to leave! "I understand." I replied. "I think you should come too." Krolia said. "Sendak's forces have been attacking less now and the Blade needs all the help they can get." She reasoned. "Good idea, I'm bringing Black just in case." I answered and she gave me a smile. "I'll go contact Kolivan." She replied and I nodded.

I walked to the dining room and waited for everyone to arrive while I helped Hunk and Coran set the table. Once everyone had arrived and was seated I stood up. "I have something to say." I started. "I'll be returning to the Blade for a while with my mom. I'm going to take Black with me Incase Sendak suddenly decides to be active again. Also the Blade needs as much help as they can get for the upcoming mission." I announced and everyone stared. "Well you finally thought of all the factors before coming to your decision." Shiro said which caught me a bit off guard. "Thanks." I said even though it probably sound more like a question. "I can tell you one factor he didn't think of." Pidge interrupted. "What?" I asked. "How much we'll miss you duh!" She explained. We all laughed except for Lance?

I waited until dinner was over before dragging Lance to the side. "What's wrong you were silent all dinner? I'm the only one who usually does that." I asked. "Nothing." He replied with a fake smile and I raised my eyebrow. "Your marks are coming in." Lance said. "Stop trying to change the subject." I replied as my face tingled. "I think it matches your scar." Lance continued. "Lance." I warned. "It's kind of ironic." He said.

I tackled him to the ground. "Now you have to tell me." I said while keeping him pinned. He closed his mouth and shook his head. "You'll have to eventually if you ever want to get up." I said. "Nope." He said. "Yes." I said. "No." He replied. "Yes." I challenged. "When you leave for the Blade you'll have to let me up." He said. "Who says I won't drag you along with me? You'll just be trapped forever." I retorted. Immediately he went silent. "Lance?" I questioned. He started shaking and I could see the fear lacing in his eyes. "Lance!" I yelled and he started shaking. "Guys help!" I yelled but turned to see everyone had already left for bed.

"Damnit Lance snap out of it! " I yelled again while trying not have my claws dig through Lance's sleeves. I leaned in closer to examine his state. I took my hands off his arms and cupped his cheeks. "Please Lance snap out of it." I said with a soothing voice. His shaking stopped and he was looking up at me. I noticed his facial features were very detailed. Oh my god I'm only a few inches away from his face. I bolted up to standing position. Galra fur please be enough to hide my blush. "Now you have to tell me what's wrong." I said and Lance slowly nodded.

"The Galra tortured me almost every day when I was on the ship, sometimes I feel like it's happening again. When you said said I would be trapped forever I guess it triggered a weird panic attack." Lance explained. "Oh my god Lance I'm so sorry!" I said and pulled him into an embrace. "Thank you for being here for me Keith." Lance said. "Do you want me to stay?" I asked. "I'll be fine." Lance replied and I nodded. "Does this mean we're not rivals anymore?" I questioned. "Yeah but I doubt we'll always get along." Lance replied and I couldn't help but smile.

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