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Jensen or their family all it is pure fiction I absolutely love the two together and this is all for the sake of the story.

Waiting in the line for an autograph from you favorite actor was the once of the longest and most nerve racking things you've gone though. You stood behind two women who looked old enough to be your mom and listened to the discuss their opinions on the very actor you were waiting to see.

Rolling your eyes as most of their remarks were appearance based you shifted from foot to foot, ‘there was so much more to Jensen Ackles then his freakishly good appearance’ you thought to yourself. By the time you we at the point in line where you could see him you were more than ready to be far away from the woman in front of you wanting nothing more than the say something. Instead you bite your lip and move up in line, the number of people between you and him even less than before giving you a perfect view of the man who holds a spot in your heart -even if this is the first time you've met.

Another person leaves the line inching you closer when his beautiful green eyes meet yours, a ghost of a smile on his face as he turns to speak with the person in front of him though you don’t notice it. By the time you reach Jensen and slip him your little journal for him to sign your hands are shaking from nerves, you weren’t as prepared for this as you thought you would be. Jensen glances up at you smiling as he begins to write on the page you marked for him and he speaks, “Hey, how are you enjoying the convention so far?”

“It good, I really enjoyed the panels you guys were hilarious,” you say smiling even though he isn’t looking up. He hands you back the book after you finish speaking and says goodbye going onto the next person.  You wish that you had a little longer to talk to him but you don’t so instead you take you open your book to the page expecting to see just a basic signature instead it read, You took my breath away the moment I seen you in line you are absolutely beautiful.  You finish reading as a blush rises on your cheeks, beside his name was a phone number.

You put the book away as you finish the rest of the convention, the whole time you can’t stop thinking about the fact that you have Jensen’s freaking Ackles phone number sitting in your purse. A few minutes before it ends you take out the book and enter the number into your phone deciding to shoot him a text.

Hi jensen, it’s y/n from the autograph line.

After a few minutes your phone went off with a reply from the adonis himself shocking you, Hello beautiful, care to join me for a drink and some dinner?

it’d be my pleasure, you reply though a part of you knows that it isn’t the best desicion to go to dinner with a married man.

Great, meet me at my hotel i’m on the third floor room 342 in a half hour?

See you there, you staying at the hotel in downtown?

Yes beautiful, see you in 30 minutes ;)

You smile at his response ignoring the feeling in your stomach telling you this is a bad idea. Fixing your hair and your clothes as best as you could after spending all day at the convention you pop some gum in your mouth and start towards downtown. When you arrive at the hotel you have two minutes to spare, so you take your time in the elevator and as you make your way to his room trying to calm yourself with each step.

Stopping in front of a door with the bold numbers across it you take a long breath before knocking a few times. The door swings open and you are greeted by Jensen smiling down at you.

“Hey, please come in,” he says stepping aside so you can enter his hotel room before he speaks again, “So I figured we could order some room service and eat here-”

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