Chapter 3: Frozen Feet

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Thanks to my good friend Demon_Spirit1, I finally figured out what I should do in this chapter. She is filled with the best ideas when I have writer's block. Which is almost all of the time XD Thank you for giving me an idea for this new chapter c:


((Marshall Lee's POV))

I smirked as I saw a figure down below in the snow storm that was raging on. This would be easier than I thought! I could finally leave this blasted planet and go back home.
I have always hated this cold weather, but the faster I kill him, the faster I can get my dad off my back. I took a deep breath and plunged into the cold.

The storm raging on was so violent that I had to shut my eyes as I flew through it. The temperature probably dropped a good 40 degrees, and the wind was howling so loud that I couldn't hear myself think.

As my feet touched the ground, I shielded my eyes with my arm and looked around me to find the man responsible for this winter madness.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see a damn thing, and calling out was useless since the wind drowned out my words the second they left my lips. I shivered at the cold and cursed under my breath.

I decided to start walking, I wouldn't get any answers just standing here.

I trudged on northwards, and was constantly swatting away snow and sleet from my eyes. Who could live like this? Honestly I felt as though I was going to freeze to death! Suddenly I saw the figure of a man a few feet in front of me.

His back was facing me, so I assumed he had not noticed my presence yet. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that he look so calm... The storm was not raging around him. In fact, it was as if he was in the eye of the storm.

Let's get this over with.

"Hey you!" I shouted out towards him.

The man either did not hear me, or was deliberately ignoring me. I was not used to being ignored, so my temper immediately began to boil.

"I'm talking to you, moron!" I yelled.

The man finally turned around to look me up and down lazily. My stomach did a flip-flop as I took in his face. His hair blended in with the snow as is blew around his pale narrow face. His eyes were an icy blue that could freeze you on the spot. In his right hand was a strange gnarled walking stick that curled inwards at the top, and he wore a blue sweat shirt with dingy, brown pants that ended just below his knee caps.

"Are you done checking me out?" His voice was just as cold as the air around me.

I was embarrassed that he caught me looking. How long was I staring at him? "I-I wasn't checking you out!" I defended.

He snorted and rolled his eyes.

Why does he have such a an attitude?

"I'm going to assume you are no mere mortal, since you are able to live in this place without freezing to death." I gripped my fists at my sides.

The man just smirked. "Smart one aren't you?"

I clenched my jaw. His attitude was really pissing me off. "Who are you?"

He laughed lightly. "No one that you should concern yourself with, Marshall."

I chocked on air. "How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot more about you than just your name." He scoffed.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He had to be bluffing. No one above the underworld knew about me.

"Your name is Marshall Lee. You are heir to the throne of the underworld since your father's term is coming to an end soon. You help him gather lost souls and judge them. You cause a lot of ruckus where ever you go, you tend to get into mischief a lot. You were born approximately 80 years ago, and your father has sent you to capture and kill me because my ice storm has frozen shut your precious gate for souls to travel though." He lazily waved his hand in the air as he finished my biography.

I was speechless. Who was this guy? I shrugged off my confusion and clenched my teeth.

"Whatever. I'm going to put an end to your crap right now. I hate the cold, and I hate being on Earth. So say your prayers, asshole."

"Oh! You are so funny!" He began to chuckle, "But please do tell me how you expect to kill me when you are in a bit of a sticky situation?"

"What are you talking about?" I roared.

The silver haired boy beckoned me with his hand, taunting me. "Come get me." He smirked.

That's it!

I lunged at him, claws outstretched... but fell on all fours.

What the hell? I looked down at my feet and saw a thick layer of ice covering them, preventing me from moving.

"What did you do to me?" I snarled.

"I just froze you in place so that I wouldn't have to worry about getting in a meaningless fight with you. You cannot kill someone who has already died, idiot."

And with that, he gripped his staff tightly in his hand, and ascended into the air. Leaving me behind, fuming mad.

As he left, the storm left as well, it seemed as though it just disappeared, like this guy was the one fueling it to go on.

Who was he?

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