Chapter 4: Jack Frost

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So I'm finally back in front of my lap top writing a new chapter, because for once I do not feel like being a lazy sack of potatoes. So I hope you enjoy chapter 4! ;D



I shouted out every profanity I could think of as I saw snow fairy flying away. Yes, I called him a snow fairy.

Damn idiot, freezing my feet. I can't even feel my toes anymore! If my father would have just come up here and dealt with that guy himself, the job would have been done hours ago and we could have continued living normally.

I grunted again as I brought my fist down on to the solid block of ice covering my feet, a satisfying crack was heard on the fourth attempt. I shifted my feet around and managed to free myself from my icy shackles.

"Hahaa!" I shouted in triumph.

I'm getting out of here.

My father told me to come home and give him a description and location of the guy, so that's what I was going to do. I'm not about to fly all over this freaking state looking for him. The cold was already draining me of my strength. I crouched down and drew a wild circle in the slow and stepped into it. I took a deep breath, shut my eyes, and focused on the throne room of the castle.

I smiled as the temperature began to rise, and the ice melted away from my body. I welcomed the heat and opened my eyes to see my not so happy father sitting on his throne.

"The gate is still solid ice Marshal. So why are you back?" I could hear the annoyance in his tone.

"I met the guy who is responsible for the gate, father. And I wasn't able to kill him like you asked." I shook my head, water droplets flying from my hair.

"And why can't you kill him?"

"Because he's not living. He's some kind of ice being, and he froze my feet to the ground and flew away before I could free myself." I crossed my arms, knowing he would be disappointed with me.

"Well, at least you have a location and description of the boy I assume?"

I nodded and he sighed, rubbing his temples. "Well, you were of some use at least. Go on now, tell me what I need to know so I can hunt him myself."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as his words stung me. My father was never satisfied with anything I did.

"Marshal!" My father snapped at me for zoning out.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled. "He was about my height, and physically looked to be my age. He had silver white hair, icy blue eyes, he wore a dark blue hoodie, brown cut off pants, and he had a gnarled staff by his side. I had my encounter with him in the mountains in the state of Maine in California."

I grinned in triumph as I was able to recal every detail from our encounter, hoping my father would be pleased that I remembered so much.

"Hmm... I see. Did you happen to see where he took off to then?"

"He flew towards the north."

My father nodded and stood up. "Stay here Marshal. I'm going to find this pest."

"Do you know who he is?" I was curious about the fairy boy.

"Yes. His name is Jack Frost."

I chuckled at his name. It suited him quite well. "Jack Frost? Why do you know his name?"

My father sighed. "He's not of the living any longer. He was human once, but was chosen to be the new Ice Keeper. I do not know why it never occurred to me before that he was the cause of the cold. I shall be back later today."

I nodded and watched as my father opened another portal and disappeared through it.

Say your prayers, snow fairy.

I laughed to myself and walked off to my room. This guy was no match for my father.

*        *        *        *        *        *

As I lay in my bed, thoughts of Jack Frost clouded my mind. Who was he before he died? How did he die? And why was he chosen to be the new Ice Keeper?

The old one was much better if you ask me, they didn't send out an eternal winter, causing the gate between worlds to freeze. In fact, I never heard much of anything about him. I liked it that way.I didn't like this change of pace, I was used to how things always were. Why did it have to change?

I dragged my hands down my face in annoyance. Why am I wasting my time thinking about him of all people? I could be thinking of a new prank, or bothering the maids. Anything would be more entertaining than torturing myself with thoughts of Jack Frost.

But I couldn't help myself, he was just so... interesting. I wanted to know more about him. Just then I had an idea.

I face palmed myself. My father has a bunch of old dusty books in the library! I'm sure at least one of them has to be about the Ice Keepers. Since they were undead, we were not allowed to touch their souls after they died. Souls of the ones destined to be "undead" had a different look about them.

Lost souls were black in color. Souls of those ready to be judged were gray. But "undead souls" were a misty light blue. In order to be undead, your soul and body must be intact.

That's why I didn't know much about him! I had never come in to contact with his soul...

I jumped off my bed. I needed to learn about this guy. Just to pass the time you know? Besides, he knew more about me than I knew about him. I hated being shown up.

Even if he was as good as road kill right about now with my father hot on his trail, I still wanted to know what his deal was. I entered the corridor and opened the heavy brass doors at the end of the hallway.

Time to read up on Jack Frost.


So there was no Jack and Marshal encounters and I'm sorrrrryyyyy XD But nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time.


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