Chapter 1: Hunting Frozen Scum

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GUYS HERE IT IS. LOVE ME NOW PLEASE. You have no idea how excited I am for this stinkin' book. It will be told from Marshall Lee's POV. But I might do some special chapters in Jack's POV.


"Marshall. Come here now!" My father's voice echoed through the halls. 

What is it this time? I groaned and trudged my way over to the castle's throne room. "Yes father?"

"Marshall, I do not have time for your sour attitude. Come with me." My father stepped off his throne and made his way down the corridor. 

My pace quickend as I struggled to keep up with him. We were making our way outside of the castle towards the gate between our world and Earth.

What the heck? We've already done the weeks majority of judging souls. I groaned again. I didn't want to do anymore. Judging souls was a hard job. I was still an ammateur at it, and having to watch their lives was touture. Why should I care about these people? I never asked for this job.

I yelped as I bumped into my father's back. I could feel the waves of annoyance rolling off of him. I took a step back and peered around him to see the most peculiar sight...

The gate was frozen shut!

"Marhsall would you like to explain to me what kind of prank you pulled this time?" My father asked through clenched teeth.

I had to admit, I was a good prankster, and I was always finding new ways of irritating my father, but this... This was something I would have never thought of. Nor did I have the ability to do it.

"I didn't do this." I frowned at his acusations.

"Then what the hell happened!" My father roared.

I involuntarily shrank back. My father was a very intimidating man when he was angry. "I don't know what happened, but I sure as hell didn't do it."

My father growled and yanked at the frozen gates. "Look at this!" He shouted, giving the metal another yank. "How are we supposed to do our job of judging souls if I can't even get the damn gate to open!"

I was suddenly very irritated. What did he expect me to do about it? If my father couldn't solve it, then I knew that I couldn't either. "What do you expect me to do about it if you can't open the gates then?" I mumbled.

Suddenly, my father spun around, fixing his gaze on me, causing me to shift in place. "I know exactly what you are going to do son."

"What..." I groaned.

"You are going to Earth. And you are going to find the source of this ice and put and end to him."

"W-what!? Why can't you do it! You're the king!" I shouted in defiance.

"Yes, I am the king. But, I am also your father, and you will do as I say. As king, I cannot leave the underworld unattended. I have souls here that I need to look after, and there are things I must do as well. So you can take responsibility for once and make things right!"

"What if I find this person but I can't kill him?" I crossed my arms.

"Then you will report back to me, giving me the location of this being, with a description of their appearance, and I will take care of them myself! Now go!"

My father extended his hands towards the air in front of us and mumbled a single word. "Patefacio!" A crack appeared in front of my eyes.

A portal. I looked back at my father with uncertainty.

"Go through Marshall. You know how to get back. And by all means. Do NOT let a human see you okay? Good luck son."

I stepped through the portal and heard it close behind me.

"Well, no turning back now. Time to hunt some frozen scum." I said aloud.

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