Chapter 6: You're Naive

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So It's 11:30 and I have school tomorrow. But you know who cares? Not me, that's for sure.



I felt my anger flare up. He was teasing me? How dare he! "I was not interested in you! My father just wanted me to read up on you in case you and I had another encounter so I could kill you myself."

I puffed out my chest with a triumphant smirk. I was proud of myself for coming up with that lie.

Jack only chuckled and shook his head. "You're really naive. You know that?"

I balled my fists and shot him a death glare. "Why do you think I'm naive?"

"Because you just are. You really think you can kill me?"

I nodded, too angry to speak.

Jack chuckled once more and motioned me towards him with a finger, a smirk danced across his lips. "I'd like to see you try."

That's it! I thought to myself.

This guy was too full of himself. I was going to have to put him in his place! I charged towards him with a deafening growl.

I grabbed Jack by the collar of his hoodie and I was about to land a bone shattering punch to his jaw when a cold force knocked me off of my feet. I flew back, and hit the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of me.

I glanced around in a daze. I felt something cold on my face, and I wiped it away with the back of my shirt sleeve to see that it was snow. I glared up and Jack who had a proud smile displayed on his face.

"You asshole! That's cheating!" I snarled.

"I never said this was a game."

I rolled my eyes and tried to stand, but I was too dizzy. I ended up losing my balance and falling back down on my ass. I heard Jack fail at covering up his chuckle as he walked over to me.

I braced myself, ready for another icy blast, but I only saw him reach out his hand towards me.

I looked up at him confused.

"I'm offering to help you up, you moron." Jack scoffed.

My pride was already bruised, so I just slapped his hand away and struggled to get up on my own. "I don't need your help, asshole."

Jack walked back over to the chair I had previously been sitting in and slouched in the chair.

I glared at him from where I stood. How dare he break into my house, start a fight with me, cheat, and then sit in my chair. The nerve of this guy was unbelievable.

Jack tilted his head to the side and looked at me. "So, I take it you are still wondering why I came here?"

I flipped my hair out of my face and nodded, folding my arms over my chest.

"Well. I figured you'd get to know more about me from the horses mouth, rather than some old dusty book."

I raised a brow at him. "You came here to give me some answers?"

Jack nodded. "In a nutshell, yes. So what would you like to know?"

"Why can't I kill you?"

Jack laughed a bit. "You get straight to the point don't you? Well, the only possible way I can die is if the man in the moon decides it's my time to go, and replaces me with someone else."

I nodded. So the book was right about that one. So my father and I would never be able to kill him. "Why did you freeze the gate between the underworld and earth?"

Jack frowned at this. "I didn't intentionally freeze it. It just happened a few weeks after I unleashed my eternal winter."

"Okayyy... So unfreeze it."

"I can't do that." He sighed and my annoyance grew.

"Why can't you?"

"Because in order to do that, I would have to end winter. And I don't plan on doing that until my term as Ice Keeper has ended."

I groaned and gripped my hair. "Why are you being so difficult? Why can't you just end winter already?" I shouted.

"Because humans deserve to suffer, and I plan on making them miserable for as long as I possibly can!" Jack shouted back at me as he rose from the chair.

"You're such a wimp. Who cares about humans? It's not your job to punish them. That's my job." I growled.

"Look. I don't expect you to understand anything that I do. And I sure as hell do not need you telling me what my job requirements are and aren't."

"Well someone has to tell you because you are doing a terrible job at it!"

"Oh and what? You're suddenly a prodigal son? I don't think so. Last time I checked, your father only viewed you as a disgrace to the family name."

I inhaled sharply, feeling as if Jack had just slapped me. A wave of pain hit me like a bulldozer and all I could see was red.

"Get. Out." I snarled.

"What? Oh my, did I hurt your feelings?" Jack teased in a mocking tone.

"I SAID GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE." I roared, making the windowpane rattle slightly.

"Marshall..." Jack took a step towards me and I began to shake with rage.

"I'm giving you 5 seconds to get out of my sight, or I will rip you to shreds, whether I can kill you or not." I hissed through clenched teeth.

Jack paused and looked at me sadly, as if knowing he went too far. But then he flew out of the window he entered and I was left to wallow in my own pain and sorrow.

I stomped up the grand staircase and accidentally ran into one of the maids, Alice.

"Oh excuse me your highness!" She gave me an apologetic smile. But I only nodded and continued my way up the stairs, not stopping until I got into my room and slammed the door.

I threw myself onto my bed and stared up at my ceiling. How was it that Jack knew everything about me? He even knew how I felt, and what I was thinking. And it pissed me off more than anything.

I could take bullying, I could handle harsh words. But my father's and I's relationship was a touchy subject. I knew my father hated me. And he had plenty of good reasons to.

I wasn't good at collecting or judging souls like he was. I wasn't fit to be king. I was immature, ignorant, and naive.

But I would never admit to those things out loud.

But worst of all. My father hated me because I was the reason my mother died.


DUN DUN DUUUNNN. Yay so I actually was able to stay focused and finish this chapter! I hope you guys liked this one. Until next time.


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