Chapter-8 (e)

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Chapter-8: Removal Of Scar, Gringotts, Snape and Elder Malfoys (part-2)

Sirius's p.o.v:

What the hell!!! is Tom thinking while creating Horcruxes? Seven you mean literally seven that is the reason by end of the last war he was completely insane. He couldn't even identify his own family. I was his follower along with James but Dumbledore did something to us because of which we turned against him. Now we need to find him and fix this. Then I should also find James so that pup can have both of her parents once again. I came out of my musings when Lucius called me.

"Siri, are you fine?" He asked concern lacing his voice.

"Just look at this," I said handing him the parchment on which Horcrux list was present and by the time he completed reading, he was pale and white colour draining completely from his face.

"That is the reason, in the end, he turned violent and mad but the last straw was when you, James, Remus and Lily left without saying anything turning against us and fighting with light." He said in a sad tone while parchment was passed from each other all the while pup was silent sitting on my lap.

"Yeah, you're right Lucius that stupid old goat messed with our family deeper than we thought. Hmmm, Lucius, I think one of them is at your manor!" Severus replied all the while rubbing Remus back soothingly to calm him.

"This very minute I'm going and bringing it here." He said getting up from his chair.

"Hmm, Uncle Lucius I think we should wait to get grandfather back for one more year." Pup said uncertainly.

"Why is it pup?" I asked her yet I can see fear, uncertainty and hope at the same time in her eyes.

I just can't see pup suffering and myself and others need to work on her self confidence, her worthiness her importance in our lives and all this is because of those filthy muggles and stupid Dumbledore.

"I ... I. Actually" she was struggling to form sentences.

"Selene you can tell us anything, you can voice your opinion in front of our kiddo. I know last year I behaved horrible with you and I'm sorry about that. But you should know that we all love you no matter what." Severus said firmly yet softly all the while pup was crying keeping her head in the crook of my neck soaking my robes with her tears I don't mind that though.

"Come on cub you can tell us anything." Remus was coaxing her slowly to tell.

"I mean if we gather allies politically, then we can slowly spread what true goals are and for what you people were fighting. Then maybe when grandpa comes back there is no need for another war or blood bath." She said looking down.

"You know princess you got your both parents traits in you I mean you got quick thinking and mind strategy like your papa and braveness, courage and acting on impulse like your mama." Aunt Cassie and pup gave her a shy smile.

"That is true." Father and dad agreed same time.

"Now that is settled I will go and bring the diary so that we can keep them in the new vault," Lucius said and we all nodded, he rose and went through floo towards Malfoy Manor.

"Papa, why do we need a new vault?" Pup asked me.

"Princess so that we can keep all the soul pieces at one place and when we do the ritual to bring your grandpa back it will be easy for us," Grandpa replied and I nodded meanwhile floo flared to life once more indicating Lucius's return.

"Well everyone if everything is sorted then we can move to ritual room to remove soul piece meanwhile other goblins will retrieve remaining ones which places are revealed," Griphook said.

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