Chapter 15: Nightmare

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Disclaimer: Tokyo Ghoul and Vampore Knight is not mine. They belong to their respective owners.


Third Person POV.

Ken drinks his coffee as he looked outside seeing the vampires being smothered by there undying fans.

The vampires once complained about them and Ken had just suggest to kill them but they told him that it was not allowed. So Ken just shrugged the complaints stating that it was not his problem.

And now he was in his office not thinking about anything. Okay I'm just kidding, he always thinks in every opportunity he gets. Not when he's in his brooding face, you don't.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in"

The door opened and in came in Kell. Ken seeing her walked in and closed the door, stood up. "Why are you here Kell?"

Instead of answering, Kell had hugged him instead. Ken blinked in shock at the action and just sigh as he carries her to the couch and puts her on his lap.

"What's wrong Kell?"

Yep, Ken can feel the tears flowing from her eyes as it soak his cloth. He puts his right hand on top of her head  while the other circled around her. "Is it another nightmare?"

Kell sniffs and nodded her head. "Tell me what is it?"

Ken can feel that Kell had stiffen at the statement. So she turned her head so that she could look at the face of her older brother who had an emotionless face on but the eyes says it  all. Its radiating in warm which suits him.

"Kell? We won't fix the problem if you won't tell me what it is"

Kell pursed her lips but opened her mouth as she explained her dream. "I was at a dark room...... and then this woman came in......... s-she has green hair and silver eyes. She kept torturing me over and over again but stopped when ....... another woman came in. She looked like the other woman but instead she has........ white hair and............ t-they kept talking about a ritual....... and.........."

Seeing that Kell won't continue, he sighed. "That's enough Kell."

>>Time Skip<<

Kaname walked in the kitchen and blinked in shock. Ken was there, at the stool, sitting, and drinking coffee. But the thing that made him a little bit scared is the rage in his eyes. And since Ken was half vampire and half ghoul, the kakugan kept on appearing on his right eye while the iris on his left kept on blinking from silver to red.

Overall, Ken is dangerous right now. He slowly backed up but..........

"And where do you think your going Kaname?"

He stopped dead set at his tracks when he feels Ken's eyes burning at his back.

"J-just passing by" Kaname mentally slapped himself when he stutters. 'Nice acting Kaname, you totally really convinced him.'

Ken blinked which made his eyes return back to normal which Kaname sighed in relief. Hearing the sigh, Ken knew that he had scared Kaname pretty badly.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted Kaname."

"N-no its okay-"

"No its not. Not when Kell is in a lot of pain right now."

The statement caught Kaname's attention which made him frown. "Why? What's wrong with Kell?"

"A nightmare"

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