Chapter 12: New Teacher ⌬

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Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Hunter and Tokyo Ghoul. They belong to their respective owners.

Reminder: Guys I know that in the original manga, Mutsuki was a boy. But I will refer to him as a girl in here.


"We're now here."

"Thank you."

A limo had stopped in front of a gate. 5 figures had came out of the limo as they looked at the name of the school carved in a stone. Cross Academy. There was two black heads, one green head, one purple head and a blonde.

"So this is the school Mr.K?", the blonde asked to the tall black head who was just an inch taller.

"Yes it is."

'It changed much more than I though.'

"Tch, how come vampires have to be here?", asked another black head which was 3 inches smaller than the other one.

"Havent you even listened in what the leader was even saying?", asked the purple head.

"How should I know?! I was busy doing Shirazu's job!"


The three continued to bicker while the remaining two was at the side watching the phenomena with a nervous laugh coming from the green head while the black head beside him was watching them in interest just watching how this was going.

After watching enough of this, the black head stopped the ridiculed fight, "Shirazu, Urie, Saiko enough."

Hearing their former mentor's words, all three of them stood up straight but they still can't help but glare at each other.

"Now the only thing we need to do is to walk to the Headmaster's office and tell him our current situation. And all four of you better be in your best behavior. You understand?"

"Yes sir!"


The tall black head lead the way to the gates and in the academy while the group ignored all the whispers.

"Who are they?"

"I hadn't seen them before."

"Do you think they're new students?"


"Whatever, but look the guy leading them is so hot."

"No the one behind him is."

"I prefer the blonde one."

And so whispers started to erupt. 'How annoying', thought a certain someone while ignoring all of it trying not to unleash his bad side. Keeping all of his composure, he quickly strode while the other four behind him followed also having the same thought on their mind, except for a certain green head who was actually nervous about the whole situation and squirming under the gazes.

After walking for sometime now, they had finally stopped in front of an oak door which was 5 meters tall. The black head brought up his hand and knocked on the door. "Come in", came an overly cheerful voice behind the oak door making all of them cringe and wince at the voice.

Quickly complying, the black head opened the door and revealed a room which was surprisingly ordinary for a Headmaster's office. In the middle of the room was a rectangular table and a chair behind it which was actually being accompanied by a blonde person who had glasses.

"Ah You have finally arrived."

>>Time Skip<<

The Day class was chatting happily along the corridor as the students all went on their merry way to the classroom which was nearing for the start of the class. And as on cue, the bell had ringed and can be heard throughout the whole ground of the school.

Two persons was having their own ways as they stared into space after the bell had ringed. It was Zero Kiryu and Yuuki Cross. Zero was at the second back of the row while Yuuki was behind him. It has been a month after Kell had transferred and yet, why does Zero felt betrayed?

Once every student was inside the classroom, the door had finally opened making the students turned to the door and saw an unknown person wearing a black collared shirt with a white coat ending just at the bottom of the waist with black shoes and black pants. His fashion sense was actually great but the thing that caught the students attention was the face of the stranger. The man actually reminded them on a certain white haired person.

Zero and Yuki felt deja vu as they stared at the man.

Nonetheless, the female population (except Yuuki) was squealing at the new comer. He was so hot and handsome at the same time.

Once the man faced the class in front, everyone's breaths hitched. Is this man really human? He looked just like a fallen angel from heaven.

"Good Morning everyone. Today I am your new teacher, and I will be your Math and Homeroom teacher from now on. My name is Ken Kaneki. Pleasure to meet all of you."

Everyone's eyes went wide as dinner plates as they stared at the man.

'IS HE KELL'S BROTHER?!!', was Yuuki's thoughts while Zero was thinking something different. 'Are both him and Kell related somehow? If yes then is he a ghoul too?'

A student raised his arm as Ken stared at him and nodded. "Umm..... Kaneki-sensei, are you umm..... perhaps related to....... Kell Kaneki?"

Ken rose a brow and remembered what was discussed last night or maybe yesterday since the session took quite some time. He now remembered that this class was supposedly Kell's class when she came.

"Ah yes I did remember her attending this school. And yes we are related, she's my little sister."


"I also had been informed that all of you will be having two new students. Please come in."

The students looked at the while Yuuki getting shocked every second. Two figures entered the room and revealed two girls, one with green hair while the other was purple.

"They will be your classmate from now on. Treat the two of them well."

"Its nice to meet you! My name is Saiko Yonebashi!"

"G-good morning. I-i'm Tooru Mutsuki."

Every girl beamed at the both of them since those two were cute they could have fun talking to them and having a friend while the boys was having hearts in their eyes. Both girls was cute and beautiful. And also the fact that Saiko's cheery and bubbly personality got them.

"Both of you can take your sit."

"Hai sensei."

Saiko walked and sat down beside Yuuki while Mutsuki was beside Zero ignoring his calculate look as she started to squirm.

Zero suddenly hissed as he looked at Yuki who looked at him, "Stop staring at him you idiot."

Zero tched as he started to grumble but he did comply. Mutsuki gave a sigh as she gave the girl a appreciated look which was responded by a beaming smile.

"Now then, shall we begin class?"

"Hai Kaneki-sensei!~"


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