Ovo je samo još jedan random od njih... pa ima ih...iha ha. Tako da ako ste naletjeli na moj, you're welcome to read and lose brain cells with me. *laughs smugly*
So yeah, lots of love my potato chips!
I want you to be honest.. Sta mislite o mojoj kapi?
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I think it's cute.. nevermind the fact da za par mjeseci punim 18. (⊙-⊙) 18. godina druze?? Osjecam se kao da imam 10. ᶘ(ⓛᆺⓛ)ᶅ *panics* *starts runing around the room* *trips over the carpet* *dies* Happy end. Da li sam ja normalna?(ಠ.ಠ) Ne. ^^
Dok nisam bila aktivna... pisala sam poeme (na engleskom...cause I luv it)...might as well put it here now...negdje predkraj ovog dijela je vjerovarno.. lol (ノ゚ο゚)ノ
My life was mostly boring. I got into more fandoms. Welp. I met some new friends. I had more wierd af dreams. Bas cu vam ipricacu sada jedan san!
U jednom od snova freaking spajdermen se pojavio na mom prozoru i nakon sto smo se 2 minute awkward gledali trcala sam da zakljucam kucu i zatvorim prozore kako nebi uletio u kucu. U snu se pojavila takodje moja baba koju je bolio cosak za sve i koja je nastavila da gleda seriju dok je spajdermen gledao i dalje kroz prozor. Mozda je htio samo gledati seriju sa mojom bakom, a ja sam pogresno shvatila? Sorry spidey. (; •́ᆺ•̀)
Inace ne pisem ovako...horor poeme, ali prijateljica mi je ispricala neku neobicnu pricu koja me je malkice insprisala. Samo da upozorim, jazivo je. And boom here it is:
Somewhere in the woods There is a lonely soul Wandering around Observing you all
You're just playing Carelessly, in her forest So innocent and pure Not filthy like all the rest
She has her black, empty eyes Set on those smiling faces Can't stop thinking what it would be like When your tiny bodies she embraces
"Come little children Don't be afraid There's no way to flee Come be my friend You'll never get free
Come little children Let's have some fun Let's never be done With a game called chase and run Where I'll paint red your pretty faces Fill the woods with high pitched screams And the air with strong, metalic smell After I'll take you home where your bodies will dwell
Come little children Ther's no fun in this If you're just gonna cry And scream for your mommies
Well little children It's not your fault But it's mine after all I was the one who did wrong Send to sleep my bad mommy Made her a pretty doll Painted with strong red Pictures on our floor and walls
She didn't deserve it You would think to yorself But guess what she did? What I found on her shelf?
She would've left me Like my daddy before Tried to forget me And leave me to rot
I just wanted somebody Who'll never leave But now you're here, friends Or that's how it seems
Now I can make you pretty too We can stay together My mommy will like you Cause you seem a lil better Than the ones before you Whitch my woods have entered"
Whatcha think? I sound like I'm sick... but I'm not. I'm just... inspirisan umjetnik haha ^^; Tezak zivot nas umjetnika. XD Ljudovi moji... Hope you enjoyed reading this.. it' been a while I wrote anything. Talk to ya soon. ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎ Bye~