Fridaus's pov
I woke up so early this morning as i couldn't even sleep well and I just needed to see Mubarak
I quickly got into the shower , came out and wore a plain abaya which I found really comfortable then wrapped a veil
During the drive to the hospital I kept on thinking when he'd possibly wake up . I just hope it'd be soon
I really want him back"Madam were here "
"Madam "I got out of my daze and looked at the driver who was presently turning and looking at me at the back seat to tell me we've arrived
Well , that was fast
I got out of the car and stood at the entrance of the hospital not knowing if I was ready to get used to the fact that he's in a coma
Mubarak is in a coma
I took a deep sigh,cluched my bag tighter and walked in
"Fridaus you should be taking care of yourself fa "
It's been an hour since when I came for the visit and I've been getting endless lectures from umma" umma wallahi I'm, It's just that I couldn't sleep yesterday that's why I came here early "
I was the first to come before they all came here and she's complaining about how I'm worrying too much
We both got interrupted by the door being opened then haneef came in
"Ina kwana umma "
He greeted her and they got into a different conversation while I strode off to somewhere
I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to walk away from haneefI honestly didn't want him close to me these days and he hasn't done anything but I wanted to keep it that way
As if he read my mind I saw him walking towards me and I put my head down to avoid staring
"Fridaus we need to talk "
He said
I started to wonder what it could possibly be"Okay "
He points to a chair and I sit down on it"Fridaus i knew about everything"
He started and I just get confused"Knew about what ?"
I asked"Mubarak told me about his health since when you guys were in Paris "
Wait ,what ?
"You knew ?!"
I was now up from the chair
I now see why he made me sit"Look, I'm sorry. He didn't want you to know because he thought he was going to die "
I look at him in disbelief
"He visited the hospital time to time when you were in Paris and it got really worse when he didn't want to get the surgery done on time "
I can't believe Mubarak hid this from me
He was willing to let go everything?"The doctors there made everything worse by saying even if he was operated it was almost too late to save him "
He put his hands in his pocket and I shift my eyes at his watch then quickly got back to what he was saying
So many thoughts kept on coming to me and I tried so hard to avoid them
But it was too late , I decided to talk"Haneef what do you think you're doing ?"
He gave me a confused face"You were supposed to tell me all this even when he didn't want me to know . Let's say he doesn't make it now , all the chance id have gotten to make him feel loved by me before him leaving wouldn't happen . You really think you're doing the both of us a favour and being happy about our marriage but you're not ...You're dying inside , It kills you to realize I'm with him "
By this time I was filled with so much rage of what ifs about Mubarak
What if I'm really not going to get him back
What if the day I left for halimas wedding was the last day I was going to see himIf only I knew I'd have been there for him always
But he..haneef
Deprived me of knowing about his healthAnd he was busy looking at him as if I said something wrong
"You know I'm married now right ? You should honestly stop thinking I'm going to be with you..mubarak is going to come back to me in shaa Allah"
I was really mad at him now..I was starting to think it was my pregnancy hormone kicking but I've been building up this Mubarak being in the coma thing...It's now grown into annoyance,anger ,frustration
And I was venting it on haneef
He inhaled deeply then looked at me
"Well I hate to break it to you Fridaus , But Mubarak clearly told me to marry you if he doesn't make it . That's why he's been contacting me really frequent now"
What was wrong with the both of them ?
Was I some kind of toy that would be passed on to the best person so easily ?"Well you made that agreement with him . I know nothing about it , I'm going to be with my husband haneef...we should all pray he gets back soon "
With one last look I have him , I walked past him and left
I was honestly tired of everything...I missed Mubarak so much and now haneef just made everything worse
"And guess what?..I was like umma I couldn't sleep that's why I came here early "
I chuckled and held his hand
I was narrating the story on how umma was worried about me this morningI wish he was here ...he'd say something like "typical umma "
Just then , someone salaamed and came in
And oh , It's good news.
Note the sarcasmIt's kabir and honestly I'm already expecting a whole lot of nonchalant attitude from him even with his cousin in the coma
What was up with this dude ?
He's a really funny person tho and extra mischievous unlike AhmadThey should be best buddies
"Hi maman baby "
He says with a genuine smile
See !!!"If you've noticed kabir I'm yet to deliver the baby "
I say while rubbing my stomach"Oh yh...but it's on the way "
He laughed and swiftly moved to Mubarak"Dude , You look messed up "
He said , then started to laughI mentally facepalm
"You should see how I'm messing up with your company. I sacked 9 workers today just cause they looked at my girl . Like they deserved it right ?"
He laughed again. But this time , I could hear how bitter it was
He was really sad about Mubarak , it was so obvious he was just trying to hide it"I hope we get you back soon buddy . It's better when you're around"
He touches his hand softly then removes it quickly as if he got shockedWas he about to cry ?
Everyone was really touched about Mubarak"Okay then..I umm..I'll be leaving "
He said while giving me a small smile"Okay, Bye "
I say and smile tooI then return my gaze to haneefs face and I couldn't help but notice how good his facial features were
I have a very handsome husband, masha Allah

All The Way From Home
RomanceFirdaus; an 18 year old Shuwa Arab girl who got an unexpected admission into Bedfordshire university,London. Join her as she goes through a roller coaster of emotions due to changes of new environment....of course not heart break...not everything is...