Firdaus's POV
"Mubarak....Mubarak Mubarak "
I woke him from sleep frantically
The pain I was feeling was definitely sign of baby wants comeHe quickly stood up and turned on lights
"Innalilahi ..firdaus , we need to get to the hospital right now"
Well ,yes . We do need to go MubarakI let out a very huge groan which made him more scared than he previously was
Thankfully we both slept downstairs because my due date was close . It wasnt that hard getting me into the car
I kept on repeating some prayers while some tear drops rolled on my cheek
We finally reached the hospital and a stretcher was brought in order to take me to the labour room
Mubarak held my hand tightly while giving me one last look before letting go
He looked really scared ,I was scared too.............
Mubarak's POV
Firdaus has been having serious leg pains and back pain ...I suggested we stay downstairs till she puts to bed in shaa Allah
I watched her sleep that night . We talked for some time then she slept off ...she looked so peaceful in the sleep
I finally dozed off too ...
"Mubarak ....Mubarak Mubarak"
I frantically woke up from sleep when I heard this
I think baby was about to come
I quickly stood up and turned on the lightsShe looked like she was in so much pain . Her lips were in a thin line and her hands holding the bed
"Inalliahi ...firdaus. we have to go to the hospital right now "
She was really in pain but I think what I said made her want to say words shes never told me before
Like ..."get the fucking car you idiot "
But instead, she just gave me a slightly "duh " face then let out a groan
I finally got her into the car and I could hear her saying some prayers..I was also praying for her
She'll be okay in shaa Allah..I kept on reassuring myself
Immediately we got there , a stretcher was pulled and she got laid on it . While it was taken to the labour room, I held her hands tightly not willing to let go .
I was so scared . I gave her one last look and the door got shut right in front of me
Some minutes later ,the waiting room got crowded with family and friends all waiting to hear the good news
I kept on pacing around till umma dragged me and sat me down
"Mubarak . I know you're really scared right now but you have to remain strong for her . It's not easy witnessing something like this for the first time..but Just keep on praying "
She was right...I really had to be strong at that moment
I sat down and held her hands while she kept on whispering some prayers tooIt was almost subhi when we arrived so everyone wanted to go pray when it was finally time
When we came back to the waiting was still no news
I started to think of the pain she was going through in that room alone"Sir..we have good news "
A doctor said getting me out of my tranceI stood up really fast while he gave me his hand and then I shook him
I breathed a very deep breath of relief I didnt know I was holding
Halima and rukkayah kept on talking and saying Alhamdullilah
Ammi and umma hugged while saying some words I couldn't really hear . But I knew they were all happy for her
Surprisingly, Amal also came to see how firdaus was doing . I was glad she did
The doctor congratulated us again ,told us the time we were going to see her then left .
Firdaus's POV
I opened my eyes slightly and realised I've been in a very deep sleep
I felt so tired,but with all the pain I went through...It was all worth it when i turned to my side and saw my baby in a cradle bed sleeping peacefully
Our baby
I stood up gently and carried him in my arms then sat on the bed
It was then that I got to see her well
It's a girlI touched her face and started to take in all her features while trying to see who see looks like
She has my nose ,Mubarak's eyes and and somehow the lips too
But the shape of the face is definitely from me...a chubby faceI was using my fingertip to trace her face when I started to cry
I was crying ...tears of happiness,of joy .
No words could describe the love I had for her
I already loved her so muchI could hear someone's footstep approaching then the door knob got shuffled and opened
It was Mubarak
He looked at me and our baby in so much awe
He approached me then hugged me and I could tell he was trying to be gentle with meHe looked at her and touched her face
"Its a girl "He laughed a little bit
He was really amazed"Its a girl "
I also said while smiling at him"She has my lips and eyes...and your chubby face with the nose "
Oh , I know she does. I'm glad actually .
"She has almost too much eyebrow for a baby that was born today "
He added"Yeah , I noticed that too "
I couldn't help but think about halima and haneefs own"She's really pretty masha Allah "
I said and looked at him"Masha Allah "
"Jikana kenan ...Allahu akbar ( this is my grand daughter ..Allah is great )
Umma said while looking at the baby
The baby abruptly started to cry and then while umma tried to make her stop but she didnt
"Firdaus shes hungry "
She turned and looked at me when she realised she wouldn't stop cryingI haven't fed her since when everyone kept on carrying her
"Here "
She gave her to meI took her in my hands and started to feed her then Mubarak came in
I sensed that he was uncomfortable and he quickly got out
Who knew he was shy when it comes to this

All The Way From Home
RomanceFirdaus; an 18 year old Shuwa Arab girl who got an unexpected admission into Bedfordshire university,London. Join her as she goes through a roller coaster of emotions due to changes of new environment....of course not heart break...not everything is...