Chapter Three : Doubts

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Two days have passed, but the kiss at the school still remains a hot topic.

"Serena didn't let go of the kiss!" 

"Yuya's lucky!!"

"Are they a couple?"

It gravitates the students to a degree whenever they saw either Yuya or Serena, they'll jump into conclusion that they're dating and asked them multiple questions. It bothers their friends, though...

It was break time, and Yuya is on his own again. The Braclet girls didn't show up too.

"Wow! That's all I could say." Yugo said. "Yeah, the fact that they didn't let go of the kiss makes it shown they liked it." Sawatari concluded. They were all in awe, except for Yuri. This also leads Yuto to asked him.

"Yuri, do you love Serena?" he asked. "What type of bullshit question is that? Of course not! Why?" Yuri answered. They were shocked at his response. "But, each couterpart loves their Dimension girl. Why you didn't feel that way?" asked Yugo. Yugo is dating Rin, Yuto and Ruri are official, and Yuya's love for Yuzu is obvious. So they're confused that Yuri and Serena aren't feeling the same as them.

"It is because I love someone already!" Yuri pointed. The rest were more shocked than before. "WHAT!!!??" they all said in unison. "What's wrong with it? Besides, Serena loves someone too." he added. They became more shocked at Yuri's revelation.

"By the way, Reiji's birthday is tomorrow, what should we do?" Yuto stated. They all talked on what they will do for Yuya at Reiji's birthday. They know Yuya and Reiji are close knot, so they planned to asked Reiji for help.


Meanwhile, after school, Ruri and Rin wants to talk to Serena. They were shocked at the incident, but they are more concerned at her demeanor in the past days. At their home, they went straight ahead to Serena's room.

"Serena! Can we enter?" Ruri knocked the door, Serena then opens it. The three sits to her bed and Rin starts the conversation.

"Serena, do you love Yuri?" she asked. "No!" Serena quickly replied. They were stunned at her answer. "And if you asked 'Why?', don't bother. Yuri loves someone for a long time for now. And I..." Serena then blushed, she couldn't say a word after.

"You love someone else?" Ruri asked, Serena nodded. They were shocked at the revelation. But they felt joy after realizing Serena has affection to someone. They don't want to bug her about it but...

"GIRLS!!!!" Serena then hugs both Rin and Ruri. Serena starts crying.

Both Rin and Ruri felt sadness after Serena hugged them. They felt the side of Serena that they have never seen, until today.

By proxy, each Yu-Boy has a special affection to their Dimension Braclet Girl. But Yuri and Serena broke that rule. Yuto and Ruri has expressed their love for a long time. Rin and Yugo were childhood friends, before Yugo confessed to her, with the help of the three Yu-Boys, and they became a couple ever since. While Yuya and Yuzu aren't official yet, Yuya's love for Yuzu is so strong, that he went to multiple dimensions just to save her. Zarc and Ray, however, were just close friends.


Ruri's POV

I was shocked at Serena's actions. But as she hugged me and Rin, I felt her regret, something we have never seen before. I know Rin feels the same.

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