Chapter Seven : Confused Feelings

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As the Yu-boys saw Yuya and the others, after Ruri told them what happened, they were awe.

"Wow." Yuto could only say. While Yuri was still processing that fact, Yugo went to Yuya.

"Yuya?" he asked. "Why Yugo?" Yuya replied. It was something that they didn't expected. "Did you returned Serena's feelings?" it was a question that Yuya expected. Who would have thought Serena, presumed a Man-Hater, loves Yuya.

"I haven't given her an answer. Ruri told you she ran away after she confessed to me." Yuya said. The others were in shocked. The party, and now this, today was an interesting day.

"Guys let's go home now." Yuri suggested, everyone nodded. They went home after an intense day.


At Yuya's House

As the Yu-Boys went home, they saw a letter, it was for Yuya.

"Yuya, it's for you." Yuto said. "Before reading that, let's eat first, okay?" Yuri said. They prepared the meals and ate.

After 30 minutes, they went their sights on the letter.

"Yuya, read it." Yuto suggested. Yuya nodded. As Yuya opened the letter, it says :

"Yuya, sorry if I confessed to you aftee you got rejected. I just want to say, forget about my confession.

I don't want to lose you, Yuya. You're my friend. And I know that's far we could go.

You loved Yuzu, but she broke your heart. The least I could do is let me heal it. Until you're okay, I will love you, and even you find someone else, I will still love you."

P.S. Serena

"Wow." is all Yuri could say. They were in awe of Serena. Yuto and Yuri couldn't believed it, but Yugo said something before he went to his bed.

"Yuya, be honest to yourself. Don't force on something that is not yet final. Don't make Serena your Rebound Girl. If you really love her, confess. Until then, let your heart heal first, okay? Goodnight Yuya, Yuri and Yuto. Remember, we're brothers here." Yugo smiled. They didn't expect this side of Yugo. Yuya just smiles.

As they went to their rooms, Yuya still thinking about what Yugo said to him.

"Yugo is right, I need to clear up my mind for this. Do I love Se-Se-Se..." Yuya stutter. He couldn't say her name. Saying it makes him blush.

Yuya then lie down to his bed, blushing. "Serena." he finally said it. His mind went blank, only Serena runs through his mind. "Serena." he said it again. His heart beats so fast, faster than how it was to Yuzu. "Serena." he couldn't stop saying her name, a name of a Goddess.

"I Love You."


The whole class looked at Yuya, after what happened yesterday. But Yuya didn't mind. His mind revolves around Serena.

The Yu-Boys, Braclet Girls, Gong, Sawatari and Shun are the only ones who know what bothers Yuya. But there is someone who knew it, far long than everyone.

And that's Sora Shiunin.


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