Chapter One : A New Beginning

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DISCLAIMER : I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V and all of its characters. All rights reserved to Konami.

It's a normal day at Maiami City. After the merger, Reiji Akaba has firm control of the restoration and balance of the new United Dimension, and Zarc and Ray decides to give the Yu-Boys and Braclet girls their own bodies again, as their lives had turned for the better.

Except it wasn't, for a particular someone...

Since the dimensions had turned into one, the Maiami Second Middle School held as a primary school for all of the people and was renamed as Maiami University, renovated by Reiji to cater everybody.

Note : I'll use MU as a stand for Maiami University


"Ahhhhh!!! School again!!!" yawned a boy with blue hair. "Zip it!" said the boy with black hair. It was the Yu-Boys going to MU. "Why I need to zip it up!!! School is boring!!! I want to duel!!!" Yugo shouted.

"Really Yuugou?" pissed Yuto asked. "IT'S NOT YUUGOU, IT'S YUGO!!!!" Yugo shouted. He doesn't liked his name getting misunderstood as 'Fusion'.

"Geez guys, stop fighting. We've got school today." said Yuri. "Yeah, Yuri's right." Yuya responded.

After the merger, Yuri redeemed himself by helped The Lancers fixed all of the damage Academia has done. And this let him got a close bond with Yuya, who is the catalyst of The Lancers on the restoration.

"Okay Yugo. After school, we will duel. Is that sounded fair to you?" Yuri asked. "YES!!!" Yugo replied. He was pumped up after hearing Yuri will duel him. "Nice magic Yuri." said Yuto. While the other three were busy, Yuya saw MU. "There's MU." Yuya pointed.

Then, after they arrived at MU, the four Yu-Boys entered to their class. "Heyyas!!!!" said a blonde guy. "Sawatari!!!" Yugo shouted, it was Sawatari Shingo, the son of the newly appointed Head of Directors for Maiami City. "Let's cut class today!!!" Yugo suggested. "SURE!!!" Sawatari responded. The two then got smacked.

"Who did that?" asked Sawatari. It was Yuri, he's pissed cause the two will do some weird shits again. Because both of them are idiots and they have similar tendencies. "I'm afraid that you two will stay here." Yuri said as the two nodded, knowing they don't want to make an enemy out of Yuri.

"Glad Yuri's here to stop Sawatari, and now Yugo to do some wierd shits again." said Noboru Gongenzaka, had a relief that Yuri will be a part of the "Stop Shingo and Yugo to do stupid things force".

Yuto wants to join in, as class is still not yet started, but he saw Yuya and remembered, today he was very wierd, not just today, more of like everyday. Out of all the Yu-Boys, Yuto had a longer relationship with Yuya, being he's been in Yuya's body after his death while in the midst of a duel with Yugo, ironically.

"Yuya, what's wrong? You're not your usual self today?" asked Yuto. He knows Yuya far too well, the guy who is the embodiment of "Egao", is frowning. "Nothing." said Yuya.

Yuto didn't bother to further ask him. Unlike Yuri or Yugo, he don't invade the privacy of others. Then after 2 minutes, a girl arrives at the room.

"RIN!!!" Yugo shouted, approaching her and wants to hug her, but then kicked in the gut. "STOP IT YUGO!!! DON'T ACT LIKE A CHILD!!!" Rin shouted. Yugo frowned.

"Rin, it's nice to see you. Glad you're at our class." Yuri smiled. Rin was happy at Yuri's new aura. "Thanks." Rin smiled. "Where's the other three?" Yuto asked. "I don't know, but we'll meet them after class."

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