Chapter Four : Why?

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Yugo, Yuto, Yuri and Asuka are at the Sakaki residence, continuing their conversation.

"So, is Yuri a nice guy?" Yuto asked. Yuri glared at him, and Yugo giggled.

"Yup! Even though he carded me, I still got my revenge!!" Asuka smirks at Yuri. The other two noticed that.

"Oww. So yeah, we're happy. But how about Serena?" Yugo asked. "Oh, Serena loves..." Asuka replied, before Yuri covered her mouth. "Darling, please let me do the honors." Yuri said. "Okay. But I'll punish you later." Asuka winks at Yuri. As the other two got chills at it.

Yuya then got home.

"Yuya!! Glad you came back!!! We're worried at you know." Yugo said and hugs Yuya. "Sorry guys, I have to go to sleep now. Thanks guys that you're worried at me." Yuya then went to his room, as always in these past months.

The four then got a worried face.

"Asuka, are you aware at this?" Yuto asked. He noticed Asuka got sad too. "Yeah, since me and Darling are finding a way to make him happy." she answered.

Then the two got shocked at her asnwer. "WHAT?!?!" they said in response. "Sorry guys. I have to make it a secret." Yuri said. "Let me explain." he added. Yuto nodded.

"TELL ME!!!!" Yugo said. "Okay..." Yuri was about to said it, until Yugo interrupted him. "TELL ME!!!!" he said. "The fuck!!!" Yuri shouted, as Yugo shuts up after that.

"Where was I? Oh yeah, the reason why I didn't tell you this is because..." Yuri said, he hesitated a little. "Because?" the other two Yu-Boys added.

"Because Yuzu rejected him." he answered. The two were stunned at the revelation, and they failed to process it into their minds.

"I don't know why, but what I can conclude is that Yuzu only sees Yuya as a brother. Nothing more, nothing less." Yuri concluded.

"Why?" Yuto asked. He is confused, and wants answers. Yugo was silent. He don't know what to say at this moment. Both were wanting to know 'Why?'

"You see, even Darling was shocked too. He thought Yuya did enough to capture her heart, but..." Asuka answered. "She only sees him as an ally and friend." Yuri concluded.

There was silent in the air after that.

"I understand it now Yuri." Yuto broke the silence. "You don't want us to know cause deep down, you know we will retaliate." he concluded.

"But why?" Yugo still couldn't believed at what he had heard. "So, now that you know. Let's do our plan at Reiji's birthday." Yuri said. The two nodded, as the three Yu-Boys and Asuka planned of what will they do at Reiji's birthday.



Ruri's POV

Both me and Rin didn't expect that she will said that.

"I LOVE YUYA!!!" Serena's response. "WHAT!?!?!" is what the both of us could say at that time.

"Girls?" Serena asked. I don't know what to do. She just said she loves Yuya, right on our faces. I know Rin doesn't want to question her, but...

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