Chapter Six : Reiji's Birthday Part 2

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Everybody was shocked seeing Yuzu.

"How?" Zarc asked. "We've been dating for months now." Yuzu replied. Zarc was stunned at her answer.

Everybody is confused. But one person feels rage.


It was Serena.

Serena went to Yuzu, and slapped her in the face. This made everyone stunned.

"YUYA LOVED YOU!!! BUT WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU BROKE HIS HEART AND DATED A PERSON WHO DOESN'T EVEN CARED FOR YOU FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!!" Serena bursted. She shed tears as seeing Yuzu didn't felt remorse on her actions.

"I don't love Yuya. He's just a friend to me." Yuzu's answer made Serena even more mad. She punched her hard enough for Yuzu to fall to the ground in pain.


"Serena wait!!!" Ruri said. Ruri, Rin, Shun and Rio went to follow Serena. "Wow." is all Yuri could say.

Everybody then looked at Yuya. He was not sad, but smiled a little. "Congrats Yuzu and Reiji. And Reiji Happy Birthday, take care of her, okay?" then Yuya left.

All of the guest can't explain what happened. "Serena really bursted there." Yuto stated. But then they looked at Yugo, who was right.

"How Yugo?" Asuka asked. "It's obvious. Nobody likes Yuzu more than Yuya, but only her, Yuya, Serena and Reiji are single. Seeing what happened at school convinced me that Reiji is the one. But I'm still asking why?" Yugo stated.

The party still continued, but it was filled with a awkward aura. Seeing Yuzu and Reiji all lovey dovey is weird. But it also enrages the Yu-Boys.

"Why?" Yuto asked. He felt the pain of the truth the most, as he knows how Yuya loved Yuzu and did everything for her.

"What's her motivation to do that?" Yuri asked. All Asuka could do is to comfort the Three Yu-Boys. They were devastated.

They know Yuzu rejected Yuya, but they didn't expected that it will be Reiji, Yuya's Rival and Friend.


The other guests continued eating. They could not find a word to say. Ray then asked Yuzu, "Why?" "We've been dating after I got revived." Yuzu's answer shocked Ray.

"But." Zarc could only say a word, until he felt sadness. "Lucky you Reiji, Shun didn't charge you like a madman." Sawatari said. Gong just stared them. He wanted to beat Reiji up, but he worried if Yuya will get mad at him if he did it.

It's 2:00pm, but everybody wanted to go home. But even the revelation, they still have gratitude for Reiji, the Chessmaster of the Lancers.

"Hey, let's find Yuya." Yugo said. Yuto and Yuri nodded. "Yeah, we should comfort him in times like this." Yuri concluded.

"Reiji, we'll leave now. And Happy Birthday." Yuto said and the Three Yu-Boys and Asuka left. Yuto's face gives chills to Yugo and Yuri. They know, if Yuya won't get mad at him, he will beat up Reiji. "Wait!!!" Sawatari said as he and Gong wants to come along.

They went to find Yuya.


Yuya's POV

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