Chapter Five : Reiji's Birthday Part 1

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Today was Reiji's birthday, and the Yu-Boys are ready. Well, the three of them.

"Are you ready guys?" Yuri said. "Yes!!" the Yu-Boys and Asuka replied. They were ready to execute their plan at Reiji's Birthday.

The party will start at 1:00pm, but Reiji's close friends were advised to go to the venue early.

It was located at the new Leo Hotel. During the restructure of the United Dimentions, Reiji built a Hotel that can act as one of the main landmarks of Maiami City.

While walking, they talked about the plan. "So Yuri, you wanted to asked Reiji to help Yuya?" Yugo asked. It is rare to see Yugo getting serious on something.

"Yeah. I mean, Reiji is Yuya's best friend after all." Yuri replied. "I'm glad Yuya left early, so we could discuss this even further." said Yuto. Asuka just smiles that the three boys are working together for Yuya.

"We should show Yuya's pictures when he dueled Serena. I had a gut feel that after the kiss, Serena's been on his mind." Yugo stated. The other two was impressed at him, but didn't show it to not make Yugo cut off his momentum.

"I guess that will work." Yuto said. "We just need to talked to Reiji with this." Yuri smiled.


The four arrived at 10:30am. The only guests are Yuya, Sawatari, Gong, and Ruri. The Yu-boys were shocked to see just one Dimention Girl.

"Ruri, you're early, huh?" Yuri said. "Where's the other two?" Yugo asked. Ruri was dead silent, which suprised even Yuto, considering Ruri is kind and responds fast.

"Ruri?" Yuto asked. "Sorry guys. I'm just spaced out." Ruri said. The Yu-boys saw Ruri was spaced out.

"Why?" Yuri asked. "Uhm, nothing really. But who's that girl?" Ruri said. She just noticed that they have a girl with them.

"Ruri, she's Asuka, my girlfriend." Yuri answered. The Yu-boys were shockes that Ruri was not shocked at the revelation.

"Hi Asuka, I'm Ruri, Yuto's girlfriend. Nice to meet you." Ruri greeted Asuka and shakes her hands. "Nice to meet you Ruri." Asuka smiles.

Yuto then goes back to asked why Ruri's spaced out. "Ruri, you didn't answer our question well." "Sorry Yuto, but I can't tell you right now. See you, I'll go with Rin and Serena." Ruri said and waved, much to the suprise of the Yu-Boys.

"Is she hiding something?" Yuri asked. The Yu-Boys, especially Yuto, didn't expect Ruri to not answer their question. Mostly Ruri will respond well. But today, it's different.

"Maybe this all roots to Serena." Yugo concluded. Both Yuri and Yuto couldn't believe that Yugo said this. "I mean, Ruri went to Rin and Serena, right? And she didn't say where they are. I felt they had a plan too." he concluded.

At 11:30am, Reiji showed up. All of his close friends from the lancers, Jack, Crow, even Zarc and Ray arrived 10 minutes earlier.

"Everybody, thanks for coming to my 17th Birthday. I need to tell to you guys an important announcement." Reiji said. Everybody was thrilled.

"At 1:00pm, you will meet a special someone. So enjoy this time for now." he concluded.

Everyone wants to know who's that special someone.

"Who could it be?" Yuto asked. They were intrigue at Reiji's statements. But Yugo has a response that shocked everybody.

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