Chapter Ten : Prom

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Two weeks had passed, but for Yuya, it's been like a year.

You can't blame him. He's just starting to get back on track. MU has a prom night, and everybody is excited, because all of their eyes will head towards to Serena and Yuya.

"Guys!!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!" Yugo shouted.

"Geez, you sure are excited." Yuri said. He can't admit it, but he's excited too.

"Why couldn't he? Yuya will have a dance with Serena tomorrow. Their first as a couple-ish." Yuto stated.

It is evident that they're excited cause Yuya went to sleep early. The Three Yu-Boys are excited and thrilled to see Yuya gaining his smile bit by bit.

"I'M CALLING IT!!!! THEY'RE GONNA BE TOGETHER AFTER THE PROM!!!!" Yugo shouted. He's confident that by the end of the day, they're gonna be an official couple.

"Okay, let's sleep now." Yuto said, as Yuri and Yugo nodded.

They went to sleep, as tomorrow won't be just a normal prom, for them at least.


It's Prom day today, and the Yu-Boys are preparing their shits together.

"Are you ready guys?" Yuto said.

"YES!!!!" the other three said in unison, Yuya particularly is very excited.

"You know the ordeal, right? We'll go to our dates?" Yugo winked.

Yuto and Ruri, Yugo and Rin, Yuri and Asuka, and Yuya and Serena.

"Gladly, Asuka is at the Bracelet Girls home. So yeah, we'll all go together." Yuri said in relief. He knows that when it comes to Proms, Yuto and Yugo are not trusted.

For some reason, Yuto acts like a child when Prom comes, while Yugo is a pain in the ass. And Yuri worries that Yuya will be uncontrolable once Prom starts.


After 15 minutes, they arrived at the Braclet Girls Home.

"Yo!!!!" Rin said. "My sis said that we should go separately. And yeah don't worry Yuri, we'll handle your idiots." Rin winked.

"Yuri, you talked to them about this?!?!?!?!" the three said in unison.

"I don't trust you assholes to behave for at least a second. So I called your girlfriends about this. But since they insisted that they can handle you bastards, I trust them to tame you assholes, especially for you Yugo!!!" Yuri stated, as he grabbed Asuka's hand with care and asked her to go with him.

Then Yuto and Ruri followed, then Yugo and Rin. They all wished good luck to both Yuya and Serena.

"Guess, we'll be left alone for the time, huh?" Yuya said, holding Serena's hand, locking their fingers tight. "Let's go to the Prom." he added.

The Prom will be held at the Maiami Grand Hall, one of the most prestigue placs to held a high-class party.

"Yes!!" Serena responded.


As they walk towards the MGH, Serena blushes madly. Her dream of holding Yuya's hand turned into reality.

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