Chapter Eight : Thoughts

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Yuya's POV

God, I'm really a fool.

"Sorry if I went too hard on you, but that's the truth. Serena loved you, far too long but you didn't noticed it. As if Serena was just one of your buddies. She wanted to give up, but her love for you is too strong. I hope you can put my words into thought. It's for your own good too." Sora concluded.

Why am I a fool?

"Thanks Sora." I thanked him for this heads up. He maybe a Tsundere at times, but he's a loyal friend. "No prob. Just be wise this time. You still have time to change this." he said. "Let's call it a day. Hope you'll think about it." Sora said as he leaves.

I knew this will be tough.

But as Sora left, someone showed up. It was Yuzu.


"Hi Yuya. We haven't talked for a long time. How are you?" she said. Her face felt tense. "I'm fine. Just thinking about Serena." I said. "Were you listening to us all this time?" I asked. I felt she heard my talk with Sora.

"Yeah. And it make me realize that I really didn't loved you." she answered, as my heart ached after she said that. It was painful to hear it from her.

"Yuya listen, we can still be friends, but I never loved you. You're my friend, my childhood friend. You are special to me, but we were not meant to be. Please let go of me now. I'm okay, your heart deserves more than me. Serena, she loved you, right? When I'm with her before, she never stops mentioning your name. 'Is Yuya okay?' 'Will Yuya love me?' 'Is Yuya having a great sleep?', all of these are just you, you and you. She loves you. But she can't say it to you cause you're dense." she then smack me in the face.

"You're the densest person I've met in my life!!!! I hope you're realizing the fact that you treated her badly." she then pat my head. "Why?" I asked. I didn't understand why she is doing this?

"You're my brother for life, 'member? I know you are childish, so I promised to myself that I'll help you. But I failed in that promise for the past 5 years. My heart shouted 'Reiji', so I forgot about you. Sorry for that. But listen, talk to her. This is the right time to be close to her and repay all she has done to you." she concluded with pride.

"Thanks, but why? The girl who broke my heart is telling this to me?" I asked, I'm still confused. "You really are a dummy." she smacked me again. It was painful,


She kissed me in the forehead.

"There, better?" she asked. Flashbacks crowded my mind.



"Wwaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" I was crying cause I lost a match.

"Yuya? What happened?" Yuzu asked. Her eyes were sad because of me.

"Jeez, here." then Yuzu kissed my forehead. "Better?"

Flashback ends


"Yuzu." is all I could say. "Dummy, I'm your big sis, right? I'm worried about you, you know. I talked about this to Reiji, so don't worry. I'll try to talk to Serena to clear up the air. I mean I need to talked to everybody for not telling this. But remember this Yuya, I'll be by your side if you need me, okay?" she waved and left. She just gave me courage to be a man.

She helped me clear my thoughts.


I went back home, and saw the Yu-Boys, waiting for me.

"God!!!! Yuya!!! What did you do with Sora?" Yuto said, as he hugged me. They were really worried at me.

"We just talked, nothing new." I said. "Phew. Thank God." Yugo said. Both Yuto and Yugo are too protective, but I like that part of them. "Okay, let's eat now. A lot of shit happened, so let's have a feast to compensate these bullshitry's." Yuri said. He's more mature one, I like that side of him.

We ate for 45 minutes, Yuri really went all out with our dinner. After dinner, they talked to me, about Serena. I knew they will come to this.

"So, did you talked to Serena?" Yuto asked. "No." I replied. "I want to take time for it. If I asked Serena out, it will just looked as she's my rebound girl. I don't want that, after knowing what she did just for me. I want her to repay that with my true emotions. I want to be honest to myself." I concluded.

I know this will be a long talk.

End of Yuya's POV


At Serena's place, someone paid a visit.

"YUZU?!?!?!" the three Braclet girls shouted. They were shocked at Yuzu's arrival. "Hi guys. It's been a long time." Yuzu said. Ruri let her in and all four went to the living room.

The atmosphere was intense. After the incident at Reiji's birthday, Serena was snapped. It was something that even Ruri and Rin didn't expected.

"About the incident. So..." before Serena could apologized, Yuzu stopped her. "Don't worry about it. I knew I made something surreal. I can understand that feeling." she said, it shocked the other three.

"How can you say that?" Rin asked. She didn't believe Yuzu didn't mind what happened. "I should have told to you guys sooner, but I just don't know what to do." Yuzu said, as the three felt her remorse.

"I know Yuya loved me, but not to this extent. And I regret that I didn't tell my true feelings from the start." she continued. "Wow." Ruri could only say at this moment. "I know I made you guys upset at me. I'm sorry I wasn't true to myself. Serena, don't worry about what you did." Yuzu then looked at Serena.

"You loved him, right?" Yuzu said. Serena blushed. Ruri and Rin could only wait on what will happen. "Don't worry about him. He's worried about you." Yuzu said, which shocked Serena. "Worrys about me?" she asked.

"Yeah. He didn't want to return your feelings because he feared it will looked like you're his rebound girl. He didn't want that." Yuzu then winked. "Really? No lies?" Serena asked.

"I know him far too long, I could read what he feels." Yuzu assured Serena.

Can you accept him, even if he doesn't know if he really loves you?"

Is Serena's feeling were really true? Can Yuya make up his thoughts? Find out on the next chapters.

End of Chapter Eight


Heyyas!!! New chapter here. Hope you guys have a nice day.

I'll just put on the tags SerenaXYuya cause yeah, I ship them. But as always, keep it tight.

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