Chapter Eleven : My Smile

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Zarc, Ray, Kurosaki, and Mrs. Fudou are at left side. Dinner started 5 minutes ago.

They were watching Yuya and co. doing their shits.

"Wow, never knew our counterparts have that feelings for each other." Zarc said in amazement.

"Yeah, we never felt that way, right?" Ray said, as Zarc nodded.

"But at least Yuya's happy now." Kurosaki stated, which makes Zarc and Ray smile. Unlike today, Yuya back then after the merger was a broken record.

"It's all because of Serena-san." Mrs. Fudou stated. "I might talk to him. My husband is still focusing on helping the staffs, so I might do something." she added.

"Go Sensei!!!!" the other three said in unison.


Mrs. Fudou then went to Yuya and co.

"Sakaki-san, can I talk to you?" she asked. Yuya nodded.

"I'll be back guys!!!" Yuya shouted and followed Mrs. Fudou.

"I wonder what Mrs. Fudou wants?" Serena asked. She was the one who questioned Mrs. Fudou though, as Yuri and Yuzu seize the chance.

"So, have you two became official?" Yuzu asked, which made Serena blush.

"N-N-No!!!!!" Serena was too shy.

"That coward!!!! What does he need? Getting a push by Sensei?" Yuri stated. He was mad that Yuya had no guts to confess to Serena.

"I mean, I don't know if he really loves me." Serena said, which made Yuri and Yuzu flinched.

"You, an Ideal Girl to many, a girl Yuya can't love? Please, I'll tell to you, after Yuya's done with Sensei, he'll confess!!!" Yuzu said with confidence. Yuri agreed to Yuzu's statement.

"Yeah, just wait." Yuri winked.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Fudou and Yuya went to the balcony.

"So Sensei, why do you call me?" Yuya asked. He's confused that he was called.

"You know, you're finding your smile all this time right?" Mrs. Fudou said. Yuya nodded, but too shy to even show his blushing face.

He realized that Mrs. Fudou is pointing at Serena, based on her demeanor.

"You know who's I'm referring to, right?" Mrs. Fudou asked, and Yuya nodded. His gut feel is right.

"Then, confess already!!!!" she stated. Held Yuya's shoulders.

"It took me and Yusei 6 years to finally have the courage to say what we feel for each other. Don't waste this time to say to her." she then pats Yuya in the head.

"You won't regret it, I promise." Mrs. Fudou then gave Yuya a smile that tells him to do it.

"YES!!!!!" he shouted.

Then Mrs. Fudou pushed Yuya to Serena's direction. Little do both Serena and Yuya know, that Mrs. Fudou set this all up, as Yuri and Yuzu pushed Serena as well towards to Yuya's direction. Which leads for Yuya to grab Serena into an embrace that leads to cheers from their peers.


Serena then held Yuya tightly, too shy to show her blushing face.

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