Chapter Nine : Re:Start

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Serena, Rin, Ruri and Yuzu are still having their conversation.

"Yes. I'm willing to show the patience." Serena answered Yuzu's question to her. It was decisive, but calm and pure.

"Good. So since everything is all clear, let's have some fun." Yuzu stated with a smile. "We should spend time together now cause I missed a lot of opportunities before." she added.

The four Braclet Girls then had a girl talk, mostly on Serena. It is the 1st time after the Dimension Merger that they all talked together.

"So Serena, what's your plan?" Ruri asked. They all wanted to know what's Serena's next step.

"I don't know. I guess I'll rely on Yuya's decision." Serena answered. They didn't bother asking Yuzu on how's her relationship with Reiji. They know she's on good hands so they didn't even thought of asking it.

"I guess you are a type of girl who wanted to get serenaded, huh?" Yuzu states and winks. Both Ruri and Rin got the subtle reference.

"GIRLS!!!!" Serena blushed. She realized that Yuzu's subtle tease to her.

For the next hour, they just talked on what Yuzu didn't catch up. Yuzu decided to sleep with them for the first time.


The next day at class

"Hey!!!! Earth to Yuya?!?!?!" Sawatari tries to snap Yuya's empty thoughts. They class will almost start, but Yuya's been living in air cause he's idle for 15 minutes.

"Geez, does this type of shit happens when you got kissed?" Yugo said. "Yuya, Mrs. Fudou will start the class. Stop daydreaming." Yuri stated.

The whole class centered their attention to Yuya, even he's broken at the start, he still response to his environment and is alert on what's happening. This one was odd cause he looks like he's fixated in a particular thing, but Mrs. Fudou arrived.

"Alr... YUYA!!!!!" Mrs. Fudou shouted, which snapped Yuya, finally. But...




"EEEEEHHHHHHH!!!!!!" everyone responded.

"Sakaki-san, am I Serena-san to you?" Mrs. Fudou said, as everyone laugh at her response.





Every student in the class went wild. Even Yuya just said Serena's name, it looked like she's on his thoughts, and she might be the reason why Yuya's idle for 15 minutes.

"Pal, I never knew you had feelings for her this strong. I wanted to let you know that we got you." Gong winked at Yuya, as Yuya blushed madly, far more reder than a tomato.

They worst part was, a lot of sections heard the uproar. It reached even to Serena's class, which made her blush madly.

"Eyyy Serena, I thought the Hall will be the last one?"

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