Chapter 7

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Once they got to the mess hall Olivia and Leo went to their separate tables.

"Morning sis," Acacia said.

"Good morning," Olivia said getting some food on her plate.

"Did you sleep ok?" Acacia asked.

"Yeah. Did you?" Olivia asked back.

"Yep," Acacia said and with that, the twins got lost in their own thoughts and were silent for the rest of the meal.

After the campers were dismissed the cabins were sent to different areas to train. 

Apollo to the archery field, Ares, Athena, and Poseidon in the arena, and other cabins for free time.

 "Olivia and Acacia, may I speak to you?" Chiron asked. 

"Sure Chiron," Acacia said. 

"What is it?" Olivia asked. 

"Would you two please train in the forest. I know how you distract others while training." 

"Of course Chiron," Olivia said with a slight smile.

 "Thank you, girls," Chiron said. 

The girls then went to their cabin to get armor and swords. And once they had their supplies the girls went into the forest and looked for a spot to train.

Eventually, Acacia and Olivia found a good place to train. They set their backpacks on the floor and started to think about strategy. 

"Alright on the count of three. One...Two...Three!" Olivia said hitting Acacia's sword. 

Acacia slashed her sword towards Olivia's right arm. She sidestepped and blocked the attack with the blade of her sword. The fight went on for about ten minutes and then finally Olivia beat Acacia. 

"Nice job Acacia," Olivia said helping her sister up.

 "Thanks. Wow that was tiring." Acacia said. 

"Yeah how about we head back to camp and relax in the cabin?" Olivia said grabbing her bookbag.

 "You read my mind," Acacia laughed as she started grabbing her bag. 

And with that, they started to head to their cabin.

Once they got to their cabin Acacia went into the bathroom to change while Olivia put away their armor and swords. 

Acacia changed out of her camp t-shirt, and she changed into a tank top and some grey shorts. 

Then once she came out Olivia went into the bathroom and changed into a dark blue shirt with a white lightning bolt on it and some black shorts. She put her hair into a high ponytail and then walked out of the bathroom with all of her jewelry still on. 

She sat on her bed and played her guitar. Acacia listened to her sister play while molding water into different shapes. And they relaxed like this until lunch.

When it was time for lunch the twins headed to the Mess Hall and sat down at their table.

They talked for a little bit about training and then they got lost in their own thoughts and ate their food. 

Once everyone was dismissed it was free time. 

"Is it ok with you if I go for a walk in the woods?" Olivia asked her sister. 

"Yeah, it's fine," Acacia said. 

Acacia knew Olivia was always happy when she was in the woods. She would draw the scenery whenever she could. 

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