Chapter 10

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It was the next day and Leo was at the Mess Hall for dinner and he was looking for Olivia. 

But she wasn't there. 

Nobody had seen her since she ran off to her cabin. 

Leo decided to go look for her cause he was starting to get worried. 

He walked over to Chiron and asked, "Is it ok if I leave and look for Olivia?" 

"Of course Mr. Valdez," Chiron replied. 

And with that Leo ran out of the Mess Hall and ran into the forest.

Leo had been running in the forest for a few minutes and he then heard someone crying. 

"That must be Olivia..." Leo thought.

He ran farther in the forest and found himself in an open place with Olivia sitting against a tree, her face in her knees, crying. 

"Hey O..." Leo said walking up to her and sitting down next to her. 

"Hey, Leo," Olivia said wiping the tears from her eyes. 

"I'm so sorry about what happened to Acacia," Leo said. 

"Yeah. Me too..." Olivia said calming herself. 

They sat in silence for a while and soon it got dark. 

Olivia stood up and walked to the center of the area. She laid a blanket down and laid on it, looking at her sister's constellation. 

"I'm glad she became something as beautiful as her," Olivia said looking at the stars. 

Leo walked over to Olivia and laid down next to her. 

They laid there in silence, just looking at the stars.

Leo found himself slowly looking away from the stars and looking at Olivia. 

There were tears in her eyes and they looked duller like the color was being taken out of them. 

Leo saw Olivia's eyelids slowly getting heavier and heavier, And eventually, she fell asleep. 

Leo smiled at Olivia, "She looks so peaceful even after everything that's happened...

Leo then slowly fell asleep.


It was the next morning and Leo had just woken up. Olivia was snuggled into his shoulder. Leo silently smiled to himself when he saw her.

Olivia had a slight smile on her face and Leo was so glad she could still smile after what happened. 

Leo slowly scooted away from her pushing up the blanket he was laying on under her head as a pillow. 

He then stood up and headed to Bunker 9.

Once Leo got to Bunker 9 he gave Festus some oil and decided to clean up a little bit. 

After a while of cleaning Leo found some metal wire.

"I can give this to Olivia," Leo thought. 

He cleaned up a few desks and then grabbed the metal wire and left Bunker 9. 

After he left Bunker 9 he headed towards the Mess Hall for breakfast. 

He sat down at his table and looked over at the Zeus table. 

Olivia wasn't there. 

"She must still be asleep..." Leo thought. 

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