Chapter Six: Dominoes

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The past few days have been very pleasing to me. Couldn't find anything to complain about a warm bed and home-cooked meals. Sure enough, beats the living hell out of staying under an overpass eating dollar menu burgers I bought with the money from donating my plasma.

With all these new amenities (especially the sex) provided by my new lover, Peridot who entrusted in me to stay until the weekend is over when her mom arrives from out of state. I fear I might fall too comfortable now before that day comes, I fear the same way for Peridot due to the fact she imprinted her love and lust for me. I feel I should do the right thing by waking up and leaving without all the messy goodbyes. The road I'm on has been littered with my bad ideas so maybe one more wouldn't hurt.

Where would I go? Woosh away that haunting revelation for tomorrow.

Which pulls me out of my reoccurring nightmare, vapidly interrupted by sunlight peering through the bedroom shades striking my eyelids. To evade the smoldering sensation, I ducked my head under our covers. Escaping to a more serene position I began to drift back to sleep.

Not before my obnoxious yawn escapes causing me to flip over to face the other way. In that very moment switching positions, my heart nearly jumps against my chest because I've been frightened by Peridot's sudden smiling face. No one I have ever come across in my life startles me out of bed and landing on my ass. Up until this morning, apparently.

I strained my thigh on how I landed on it, could've pulled my groin if I landed harder but it did feel like I pulled about a billion muscles upon impact. Peridot's forgiving nature kicked in, becoming highly distraught posing as the offending party.

"O-oh, my gosh you don't know how sorry...are you okay?"

"Wow, right away I get why you have a carpet over there," I said standing back up to rejoin her in bed.

"Affirmative my bed is a little higher than most", Peridot added, "Sorry about terrifying you out of bed, Lapis." I flung my arms up for a light stretch.

"Yeah, what was that about? That's a massive leap backward from fucking me in my sleep to just observing me sleep, " I dryly state.

The way I make her face flush red completely, turns me on. Peridot is an impressive specimen, I mean she carries herself with such introverted innocence but when her wild side peers it comes out full force.

"Actually I've been up for a while now, as in three hours now, I've been patiently anticipating your um... morning surprise", Peridot admits.

It's all coming back to me now. After last night's orgasm, fueled by post-sex bliss I promised to give her a sexual surprise this morning. But the thing is, what flashed through my mind might be too advanced for Peridot's novice sex life. I figured, hey it wouldn't hurt to push back the surprise later in the evening or until she works her way up a tier or two. Just to be perfectly sure she earns it bad.

Peridot is left hanging for my response. Wielding the biggest smile I have ever seen, a beaming grin that could reach to the tips of her dreamy green eyes.

I couldn't escape her waiting any longer, so I need a quick plan b, something that will give our sexual libidos a great awakening.

Peridot's morning attire is the true story here. I'm starting to suspect she didn't catch a lick of sleep at all last night in anticipation for her surprise. Her hair is damp from shower water, meaning she cleaned up and threw on her most intimate wear, presented in her see-through green nightgown rung with frills stopping at the top of her thighs.


She noticed my dumbfounded gaze causing her to observe her own ensemble becoming red in the face, but her eyes shot back a look saying, 'do you like it'. I respond wordlessly with a flashy smile replying, 'Oh God yes!' Now, I have to be more methodical with my actions. I mean, after all, rushed thinking gained myself another Hostage to worry about.

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