Chapter Eight: Regulating Heat

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"Right this way, M'lady," Peridot told.

The full moon illuminates through the crowded overcast, lighting the path of the sidewalk. "I love the lake up here. This is my first time seeing it in the moonlight and I have to confess, I love it even more now," I commented.

As we walk to our destination our heads glued to the dark and shining lake adjacent to us. The thick fog settled over the body water due to the increase in humidity, until it was out of our line of sights.

"Okay this way," Peridot ordered and motioned a swaying hand for me to stop dragging my feet behind her.

We shared a seven-minute night walk up to Peridot's neighborhood clubhouse where the community pool resides. We aren't here for a night dive per se, but a night dip in what Peridot describes as a recreational hot tub. I explained my confusion on the walk here, stating my case on why we had to walk all the way here to sit in some hot water when we could've saved a trip and sit in the bathtub at her house.

Which cost me a playful blow to the ribs while holding hands.

"Put your hoodie up, there are cameras at the entrance," Peridot advised and I followed her to the club gates.

Neighborhood clubhouses are always so flashy and this one has a palm tree in every direction. Also housing two pools one for recreation and a lap pool. Peridot waved a keycard towards a sensor on the gate with a red light transition to green when the magnetic lock disarmed.

Typical neighboorhood clubhouses are always so flashy being the crown staple of any suburbian hideaway. This one happens to be right on the money with a row of palm trees centered between a lap pool and another just for recreation.

"Doesn't seem like anyone's here," Peridot whispers.

"What about the gym? I noticed the light were on."

"Don't worry about them, they won't bother us tonight," she said grabbing my hand once again, "It's to our left, Lazuli."

"Roger that! Lead the way."

I'm starting to feel better seeing Peridot warm back up to me by revealing small portions of affection like hand holding. Glad to see her in a better mood than before. After that whole snafu with Pearl, I could sense she still feels bummed out about it, even after proposing the first date idea. I really had to beat myself up about it when no one else could, knowing fully well I broke her heart and made things much worst then they needed to be.

Peridot needed space after discussing where our relationship stands. Asking for her seclusion in that weird shaded area beyond her backyard, I complied and went back inside. But, that burning question still floundered in my mind, how does she feel about this? Peridot stayed out there for a half hour, I watched her through the living room window watching her hold her face. I got my answer and I deserve all the displeasure in the world for it, not her.

She practically saved my life, willingly and I misused her trust. I practically had to tear myself away from the window.

Later, Peridot returned inside with puffy eyes catching me scarf down the subpar pancakes she got me. She came in unnoticed on my part after shutting the door, startling me to the point of choking on the thick griddlecake. I was reduced to a gagging mess that seemed to fly over Peri's head.

"It's okay Lapis keep eating. I'm going to bring this one to Pearl and I'll join you in a minute," she said in a monotone voice I've never heard her use before.

I reach a hand out to the remaining bag of food, Peridot snatches it away, "don't worry yourself, I got it," she said sternly and gave me an unfamiliar look. She grabbed a breakfast platter with a plastic spork and exited the kitchen.

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