Chapter Seven - AMEER UDDIN

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Noor and haider walked to her home. Noor wanted to tell her mother about him. And she wanted to know him better. They walked hand in hand to her apartement.

„I'm really scared." said noor.

„Don't be, i'm here." said haider.

Noor smiled and hugged him sidely.

Finally they arrived at noor's appartement. She knocked on the door and her sister opened it. She just looked at them and then at their hands.

„Zaara..this is haider." said noor and let go of his hand.

„Hello.." said haider with a smile.

Zaara just looked at her.

„Are you serious right now?"

„Kyun?" asked noor angry.

Zaara chuckled.

„MOM!" she just walked away.

Haider looked at noor, was her sister really that unrespectful? Noor looked at him.


Noor smiled when she saw her nephew standing infront of them. She hugged him, haider smiled looking at them.

„So you are haider?" asked haider and kneeled down.

„Haan!" said haider happy.

„How do you know his name?" asked noor suprised.

„You told me everything last night." said haider looking at her and forgetting her mother who stood infront of them.

„Where were you last night noor?" asked her mother and got their attention.

They both stood up and looked at her.

„hello aunty..i'm haider."

„Haider? Just like my name." said little haider happy.

Haider smiled at him and ran his hand threw his hair.

„Did my daughter spend last night with you?" asked her mother angry.

„Mom..can we please come in." asked noor.

After some minutes haider and noor sat next to eachother in the living room. Her mother and her sister sat on the other sofa.

„Mom..we really love eachother and we want your blessings." said noor holding haider's hand.

Her mother looked at their hands. She felt digusted looking at them. Haider saw that.

„Aunty, i think it's the best if you get to know me better. My name is Haider Khan and i'm an author from Mumbai. My parents and i are here for vacation."

„And you want to take my daughter as a souvenir?" asked noor's mother.

„what?" asked haider.

„Mom..please!" said noor getting angry.

„My daughter grew up here and went to school here. Do you really think that she leaves all this behind and goes back go india with you? I won't let this happen." said her mother.

„Kyun nahi?" asked noor.

„I don't want this relationship bas!"

„But that's not an argument."'

„Noor! I said no."

Noor just looked away, haider looked at her and tightened his hold on her hand. Zaara saw that and started clapping.

Ajeeb Prem Kahani - SARUN ShortstoryWhere stories live. Discover now