Chapter 13:

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After five, insanely long ,classes,without my friends,it was finally lunch.I was seated at my usual lunch table with Ali,Melissa,Tiffany,Sam,and Joe.Danielle knew better than to try to sit next to me ,and was seated with Ryan and Jade at the popular table.She was the cool twin,I was the smart one.

"So what's up?"Melissa asked,as she bit into her tuna sandwich.

"I don't know about you guys."I said."But no fun for me."I relayed the whole story.

"What am I supposed to do now?"I asked,throwing my hands up in the air.

Joe scratched his chin playfully.I threw my empty juice box at him with a glare.

He laughed."Okay!Okay!I surrender!"I rolled my eyes.

The others,thankfully,pondered over the tale."Well,it depends."Ali said,ignoring Joe."What is it you want?Revenge on Ryan?Peace?"

"I am totally your girl if you want revenge!"Tiffany said,with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I laughed."I don't know what I want yet!What would you guys do?"

I looked around the table.Sam stayed silent.

"Sam?"I asked."What do you think?"

He was silent for a few seconds ,then jumped out of his seat.

"I-I gotta do something.Can't talk.Bye!"he ran out of the cafeteria,pulling unwanted eyes to our table.

I got up ignoring my lunch trash and ran out after him.

"SAM!'I called."WAIT UP".I never minded my manners so I really didn't mind the curious looks I was continuesly getting from people as I ran.

I finally found him,five minutes later, in the empty French classroom kicking the teacher's chair.

"Sam?"I asked softly."What's wrong?Have any of us done anything to upset you?"

He grunted and stayed silent."You know you can tell me anything,right?"I sat down on the hard floor ,next to him.Our bodies touched.

"Its...It's just..."he finally turned and faced me."What do you remember me telling you about myself?"

I hesitated a moment to think."Uh...I remember you telling me you were the guy from my dreams,and joking about it together."I smiled to myself.It seemed so long ago."I remember you telling me about your family,I remember you asking me if I want to go to France with a couple of others."

His eyebrows shot up and I decided to continue talking about France.

"You said that I was one of the chosen ones because I'm really good at French and that Mrs.Rodriguez recommended me."I stopped to see his reaction.He shook  his head sadly.

"What is it I'm supposed to remember about you?"I asked curiously.

He bit his lip."Nothing,nothing.I just wanted to see what you remembered about France."

I knew he was lying but decided to let it go.The bell rang,signaling it was time for class.

"Okay,you coming to math class?"I asked.

He nodded."I just want a second to myself.See you there!"he smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

I nodded."See ya!"I left the class and hurried off to math class.Sometimes people just need some time alone.

                                      .                                         .                                  .

Sam's POV:

I couldn't believe it!Twilight didn't remember a thing!She didn't realize all of her friends were vampires,like me,or warewolfs!And extremely suspiciously,neither did the others.They acted as though they were just normal teenagers!

I snorted.Thanks to being a vampire,Melissa,was 84!!!Even if she switched the numbers around.she was still nowhere close to being a teenager.Even more infuriating,she couldn't act to save her life!So it was 100% clear she wasn't!

I shook my fists with anger.This had to be Rose's doing.

That tiny ,little- 

I took a deep breath and tried unsuccessfully to calm myself down.

I had to find out what exactly she did!But how?!I didn't even know where the nut lived!And more importantly,how do I still remember anything?

Unless it was because my power had to do with my brain and therefore it was stronger than normal...

I lifted my head at the thought that struck my mind.That must be it!

I smiled widely and got to my feet.I'd better get out of there before I get detention from some grouchy teacher,I mused.

I opened the class door and bumped into my ,now grouchy,French teacher.

She looked utterly shocked at my appearance.

"Uh,hey."I said awkwardly,as I became fascinated with the school's white-tiled floor.

Mrs.Rodriguez blinked,and slowly came to her senses.

"Uh...hey."she shook her head quickly."I mean!What do you think you're doing here,young man?"

I grimaced.Sadly,this was more like it.

"I was looking for something."I held up my phone."Found it!"I smiled and hurriedly left the room,hoping she'd forget all about detention.

As much as I 'liked' our school's detention,I'd much rather spend five hours of math with Mr.Stevenson.

I sighed and ran off to my locker.

Though what I really needed,was to find a way to confront Rose.

And it better be really soon.


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