Chapter 4:

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Sam,Tiffany and I huddled next to Danielle on the couch,waiting for something to happen.Sam bent over her to feel her heartbeat. He wore a puzzled look on his face.  

"What is it ? Is she still-"I swallowed"breathing?"

"Yes , but...but...her lungs aren't active." he answered stiffly.

"I KNOW YOU!" mom suddenly shrieked.She pointed an accusing finger at sam."YOU!YOU KILLED HIM! MY POOR JAY! MY JAMES!HOW COULD YOU ?HOW COULD YOU DO IT TO MY DAUGHTER TOO,YOU-"

"MOM!" I screamed before it could get worse."WHAT THE HELL?" My eyes opened wide as I understood the meaning of her words. Mom looked at me as if noticing me for the first time.

"My first son Jay!" she sobbed.It was a minute before she could continue."My Jay was in a fight with this guy.I must say he was hot and muscular with his bright blue eyes and brown hair. Anyway, as hard as I tried I couldn't get the two to stop. I saw Sam walking across the street and seeing he was strong and muscular I begged him to help me separate them.Till today I don't know why they were fighting"

There was a strike of lightning and everyone jumped."And?" I pestered mom shakily.

Mom took a deep breath and let out a sob before continuing."Well, Sam "she said as if she were talking about a cockaroach."Ran to his side and then suddenly bit his neck without any warning. And for as long as I was there he fell to the ground and never moved again. I was so full of despair I couldn't stay another moment,and I just left,without even bothering to arrange a proper funeral for him.Till today ,I do not know what became of the body." She sighed heavily." If Sam hadn't of done it so fast ,I would of tried to save my poor Danielle."Mom cried.

We suddenly heard a loud groan from the couch. We  turned our heads, surprised, as Danielle slowly pulled herself up to a sitting position.She opened her eyes. They were bright red and looked mushy. We all stepped back slowly unsure of what Danielle was capable of.

"Danielle?Sweetheart?" Dad catiously spoke.

Danielle eyed her reflection warily in the mirror in front of her and suddenly  shrieked a long shriek, loud and scary enough to wake the dead.

                                                    .                                      .                                     .

Tiffany slowly walked over to her.                                                                                                                           "Danielle" she said,putting a hand on her shoulder."The only way for you to live is to be a vampire.I'm sorry ,there's no other way.But don't fret,Sam and I will help you get through this".              Danielle seemed a little less horrified.She even smiled sadly at both Tiffany and Sam.

"Thanks guys,but what will happen to me now?Will I like have to move to some cave in the middle of the wilderness with you and leave everyone or something like that?"Danielle frowned at the thought. 

"Oh wait,you're a vampire where do you live?THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE AND I'VE ONLY BEEN A VAMPIRE FOR A FEW MINUTES!!!NO!!!"

"DANIELLE!"Sam said sternly."Calm down!" He held eye contact with her for a few seconds and she seemed to calm down.Weird I thought to my self.It was usually pretty hard to calm her down and he seemed to do it so fast.

"We-e-ll" Tiffany said ignoring her outburst."We'll leave that up to you,but for now,in the beginning,we want you to live with us.After a few weeks if your making progress,you'll be able to leave and come back home if you wish.Okay?"

"Okay." Danielle sighed."Let's leave now I guess.I'll just pack a few things"she said sulkily.

Tray and I eyed each other sadly.We were sad to see her go.I felt a sudden desire to go with them.

"Can I come?"I asked.The two nodded gratefully.

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