Chapter 3:

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The next morning I walked to school with Ali.I didn't have my ride with Ryan anymore.He actually did offer to but the thought of him and Danielle kissing all the way made me want to puke.As I entered the school gate I saw this guy Joe talking with some new kid.As I looked closer I realized it was the dude from my dream.As Ali and I walked passed them he noticed suddenly noticed me.I stopped."'re kinda staring ...too obvious...and-oh my god !He's staring back at you!Go go!Forget Ryan!He's way hotter!Bye!"Ali chirped.But I wasn't listening .I could see his face shining in the sun,as he walked toward me,ignoring Joe and pushing him abruptly away. .He continued walking until he stood directly in front of me.It was a moment of first love.Ali knew how hard I was taking the break up with Ryan."So...What-who...who are you?"I croaked.The blond guy from my dream took his time answering me."Alas,we have met.I am the guy from your dreams"

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It was after school,when I was leaving that I was hugging Sam.The love at first sight had become real."Saaaaaaammmmm!"Tiffany rushed over followed by Melissa.She hugged him tightly.  I stiffened and glared at her meanicingly."What.The.Hell."I said ."Cant I have my own boyfriend without you butting in?" It was only the second time I ever saw her and I already hated her."Oh no!Sam is my brother."she explained. I looked at them closely.They did indeed share the same black hair and jade-green eyes.Sam nodded to me over Tiffany"s shoulder. I felt my shoulders relax."Guys,I think u and Tiffany should start over."Melissa turned to me.I looked at Tiffany. Oh well. As long as she wasn't  taking my boyfriend.I high-fived her and smiled a real-fake smile. she smiled a real smile and hugged me tightly.              

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder ,and turned to see my brother,Tray.                                                                              

"Twilight,I'm here to bring you home.I'll uh...explain later "he said,giving me a look and glancing uneasily at my friends."He's hot !"Ali whispered into my ear.I smiled unfocused.

Tray and I left  the school and as soon as we weren't within eaeshot I turned to him."Is everything alright?" I repeated worriedly.He tensed."You"ll see"he answered darkly.

Minutes later we arrived at home.The usually cheery house was dark and silent. We cautiously entered.I saw mom bend over a figure. She turned as we entered."It's Danielle."she whispered hoarsely."She was hit by a car and she's dying"I gasped and ran to her side. Her eyes slowly fluttered opened and she blinked as she recognized my figure.I suddenly felt a cold presence behind me. I turned to see Sam and Tiffany behind me.

"Uh...guys? This really isn't the best timing to-"

"MOVE! Maybe we can help.I know a really good uh...technique"Sam stormed, roughly pushing me aside."Mom ,dad everyone.Move aside."He suddenly froze as he saw Tray."Do I know you?" he inquired.

"Uh,no dude.What?Why are you staring at me like you're seeing double"Sam protested.

"Nothing..."he said as he slowly shook his head from side to side. Danielle groaned from the other side of the room and that seemed to revive Sam. He rushed over and looked at me intensely. His voice softened."You too ,honey, move aside please" he commanded.

"No,I'm staying right here." I said firmly. 

"It's okay, she's gonna find out sooner or later anyway."Tiffany reasoned. Sam shrugged and bent over Danielle ,who had closed her eyes,and who's breathing was becoming shallow. Mom was watching suspiciously from the doorway and her eyes widened as she the long ,fang teeth.

She sprang forward and lunged to stop Sam."NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! she cried.But it was to late.As I stood frozen, his teeth sank into her skin and it was a few moments before I realized to my horror that he was sucking her blood. He lifted his teeth out and waited for a reaction.Danielle blinked and closed her eyes for what I thought was the last time,and shrieked in agonizing pain ,clutching her throat.Then all was silent.

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