First Day Time!

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[Nagisa's PoV]

"Let's get started, shall we?" I scanned the classroom, noting its condition. I sweatdrop at the sheer amount of damage this classroom has endured. Cracks run throughout the walls, with spray paint decorating the walls and floor. Most of the desks were broken, or thrown off to the side. The few that remained belonged to the more quiet or less violent of the class. Profanities were scrawled on the chalkboard, and same with the desks, except engraved with either sharpened pens or switchblades. Somehow the windows are intact, just dirty, unlike the busted up lockers, with the doors hanging ajar or bent in awkward angles.

"A-ano, sensei," The girl who was drawing before spoke up. "What do you mean 'kill you before graduation'?"

I smiled at this, and turned to look at her. "Exactly what I said. You have until the end of the school year to 'kill' me. As in attack me or get me in a position that would be impossible to escape from, and would result in death. If you do so, you may graduate from this class.

Quiet murmurs filled the room, while the delinquients who had harrassed me earlier smirked confidently.

"However, until then, I expect each and every one of you to attend class and pay attention to the lessons." I open my attendance book. "Sato Kana!" A tall girl with short sky blue hair in the back and long pieces in the front, framing her face, with golden yellow eyes. She jolted out of her shock and jumped up, startled. "H-hai!"

"Tanaka, Arata!" A brown haired boy behind Kana stands up. "Hai!"

-timeskip brought to you by koro-sensei~

I snap the attendance book closed and set it on the teachers desk. The delinquients had refused to respond to the rollcall, as they still refused to think of me as their teacher. I mentally sigh, knowing that said group would be a challenge to earn respect from.

While he was distracted by his thoughts, the delinquients look up from what they're doing and start throwing sharpened pens at him, like a barrage of inky arrows.

Nagisa noticed this and quickly dodged what he could, and used the now covered in ink attendance book as a shield, batting away the pens as they came.

The delinquients frowned and swore under their breath, while the rest of the class looked on, tense and slightly scared. I smile at the group, glad that they took my challenge seriously.

"Nice try, but next time try to be a bit more....subtle....about it. The way you were acting was rather obvious, and it didn't help that you released your intent before the actual assassination." The delinquients looked at me as if I'd gone crazy. I simply smiled in return.

"Tch." The delinquients looked away with an annoyed expression.

"Now, because the condition of the class is.... rather shaky at best, we should clean up! We can't exactly learn anything in this sort of environment." I point out, gesturing to the classroom, and the fact that there are only a few desks left standing.

The entire class groans in annoyance, and the delinquients looked like they wanted to object. Then Reiji stepped forward again and looked at me with contempt. "Why do you even care, anyways? Wouldn't it just be better to leave us lowlives alone? We have no future, so why even bother with us?"

I looked at him in the eyes and levelly replied, "I care because you are all my students, and as a teacher, it's my job to make sure you all leave this classroom feeling confident and well educated. You're wrong, you all have a future, you just need to work towards it. And that's why I'm here, to help you with that. I am your teacher and you're my students."

Reiji looks surprised, so he backs down, obviously not used to people talking back to him, especially not in a positive manner. I clap my hands. "Let's start cleaning up!" Everyone releases yet another groan, but slowly gets to work, fearing what I might do if they didn't.

I start cleaning the chalkboard, smiling to myself. 'I'm going to enjoy teaching this class. Sure they need lots of work to get their minds looking ahead, but that's all part of the challenge.' The smile morphs into a smirk as I stop the handle of a broom from colliding into my head. 'Yes, I'll definetly enjoy teaching this class.'

-timeskippppp once again-

-After School- (still Nagisa's PoV)

"Tadaima!" I call into the house, removing my shoes and stepping into the kitchen. No response. 'Could he be working late?'

My phone rang, so I picked it up and looked at the number. "Speak of the devil and he shall come..." I pick up the phone.

"Hey Nagisa-chan! I'm on my way home right now, there was an unexpected meeting I had to attend, so I stayed late. I'll be there in a few minutes, Love you~" He hung up.

I grew a tic mark. 'I told him to stop calling me that!' However I sighed, too tired from teaching my new students to even complain or correct him.

'Since Karma's not home I suppose I'll make dinner.' I glance at the kitchen. 'What could go wrong?' Before I could so much as even set one foot behind the counter Karma waltzed into the house. "Tadaima~"

"Welcome home, Karma." I reply absently, mentally sifting through a list of what we could possibly eat tonight.

Karma noticed me in the kitchen and instantly said, "I'll make curry tonight." He didn't pose it as a question. I pouted, but was too tired to protest.

He smiled and walked into the kitchen, and started prepping the curry. "How was work?" He asked, picking up on my exhaustion as I sat at the table. "The students are sort of like us, back in 3E, except more violent. They'll be a tough class, though I think I'll be able to get through to them." I smiled

"I'm sure you will, Nagi." He walked over and pecked me on the lips. I smiled, blushing slightly, and Karma chuckled returning to the kitchen

Soon the curry was ready to eat, so the male duo set the table and fixed the food. Soon the pair sat down, and Nagisa practically fell into his chair while Karma managed to sit down normally.


-time skip-

I collapsed on my bed, exhausted. I crawled under the covers, curled up, not wanting to move from the extremely comfortable position. Karma walked into the room a couple minutes after I did. He noticed me and smiled to himself, and got under the covers as well. He pulled me against his chest, and as I drifted off to sleep he placed a kiss on my forehead, before snuggling down and sleeping himself.


Wahhhhhh I dunno how I did this time....Anyways, new chap coming in a few days, either Thursday or Friday. :3
As for the terrible cover for the book, I'm actually drawing myself a custom one, hope to have it done in a couple weeks~ :3

See y'all next chappy~

-Anime-Dragons (aka Kana Suzuki)

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