Meeting Time (1.7)

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(sorta edited, I really should start editing the chapters more XD)

Sato woke up, more confused than ever. She wanted to figure out what was behind her teacher's past, but exactly what did he do in junior high to make it so that section of his life was supposed to be confidential? Sato wasn't sure she wanted to know at this point, but her friends likely wouldn't just give up. They wanted answers. Badly.

She sighed and got ready for school, mind buzzing anxiously with ideas and theories, while her common sense told her to not pursue the matter. This put her in a rather foul mood. So when she was thrown to the ground by some bumbling idiot who bumped into her, she became rather irate, but couldn't vent her frustrations out on him, as he'd already scrambled away.

When she ran into Sakamoto, she gave no more shits and she lost any sense of self-control. "Bitch what the hell, watch where you're fucking going!" He growled and tried to walk away, but was stopped short by Sato slugging him in the face, radiating anger. Her face looked like something you might see on a demon. Pissed, he tried to get up and attack her, but was shoved back down to the ground by a kick to the gut.

People on the streets stared, and some grew worried, but more so for Sato than Sakamoto. No one tried calling the police, and some even brought out cameras to catch this on tape. A nearby officer saw the enraged girl, and decided to just watch, not wanting to have to deal with this in the morning. Sakamoto tried getting back up, but Sato stepped on his face hard, and dug her shoe into his face. She then proceeded to use him as a punching bag for the next five minutes, before feeling refreshed and ready to go to school.

Sakamoto arrived an hour later, interrupting the lesson on the history of Japan. Everyone stared at his face with a footprint on it, his rugged clothes and the scratches and bruises littering his exposed skin. He had multiple bandages, some on his face and some wrapped around his arms. He stared warily at Sato, staying away from her desk when he went back to his seat. "What the hell are you looking at?!" Sakamoto growled, annoyed. At that everyone stopped staring and the lesson continued.


When the bell rang, Suzuki still hadn't shown up to school, and everyone was worried. She had a perfect attendance record, and hardly ever was sick. However most of them dismissed it as a fever or a cold, while Sakamoto and the Endo Twins continued to worry about her. "Wait, what if her parents..." Sakamoto muttered to himself while walking outside to eat his lunch. "No, I doubt it." A calm and collected voice broke Sakamoto out of his worried trance.

Sakamoto turned towards the voice sharply, raising his fists, only to see the The Twins. "What the hell do you know?!" He yelled, tightening his fists. "Well if her parents love her so much that they would avoid swearing while she's around, even when fighting, they probably wouldn't hurt her to the point where she couldn't go to school." Katsuki said pointedly.

"How the hell do you even know about her parents anyway?!" Sakamoto glares at them, angry at them for invading Suzuki's privacy and for bringing up a good point. "When we found her crying in the park, she vented to Hisako." "Then what the hell might be going on?!" Sakamoto slammed his fiat into a tree nearby, ignoring the pain. "She could be sick, but I have a bad feeling about this." I could use Ura-chan to figure out her whereabouts based on her phone if we need to, but she's still rather buggy.

"By the way, Sakamoto....what the hell happened to you this morning?" Sakamoto looked away, gritting his teeth. "Sato..." "What about me?" The trio look over to see Sato herself standing there. "Kana-Chan!!" Hisako cheers. "Hello Hisako. Have any of you seen Ueda-Kun? It's almost time for the rep meeting, and I can't find him!" "Follow me!" Hisako starts skipping away, followed by Sato.


"Ueda-Kun!" Sato calls out to the short black-haired boy. "H-huh?! Oh, Sato-San, it's just you." Ueda smiles nervously. "We have to go to the student representative meeting. We're going to be late!" Ueda's eyes widened. "Oh! Let's go then!" Ueda jumped up and started sprinting into the building, but stopped the moment he hit the first tile. Sato caught up to him and they both speed-walked in the halls, not wanting to be late.


They arrived without a second to spare in the spare room where these meetings were conducted. Disbelief was on all of the other representative's faces as both Sato and Ueda was walk in. The class 3-1 reps looked slightly relieved at the two who had walked in, they had expected either truancy or Abe and Katsuki Endo to come.

"They actually showed up..." Female Rep of Class 3-3, Misaki, whispered disbelievingly.

"Usually they don't even come to school...."

"Must be that weird new teacher around here, she actually keeps these delinquents in line..."

Sato glared at the whisperers, which promptly shut them up. "Sato, brought down to Class 3-5 for an exceptional display of violence for threatening someone's life. That was the first time she ever got angry and violent, causing shock and chaos. Ueda, a stickler to the rules, was sent down to Class 3-5, because he apparently-" Misaki started reading from the files, but was interrupted by Sato shooting daggers with her eyes in her direction. Misaki shut up, though only slightly intimated.

"The least offensive- well, almost least offensive people in 3-5, but I doubt Suzuki-Chan and Tanaka-Kun are very well suited for this job." 3-1's Rep, Kouchi, announced with a smile. Sato and Ueda took a seat at some unoccupied desks and ignored the comment. However most of the other members looked relieved, and thus began the meeting. They reported the status for their classrooms, and any new ideas that could help those who struggle with their grades to pull them up. During the meeting, there were obvious jabs and jokes at the expense of Class 3-5, and it was all the two could do to not react.  When it came to report how the class average grades were looking, Kana and Ueda looked nervous.

"95%" "86%" "85%" "75%" "54%"

Everyone in the room looked uneasy at the 54% for class 3-5, except for Sato and Ueda. They looked proud at their small accomplishment, and gained a sort of confidence.


"From a 33% average to 54%....that's rapid growth in the first quarter....This new teacher will be a lot of trouble if we want to keep the delinquents on the bottom..." A man with unfriendly, cold, jade green eyes murmured to himself. "This is disconcerting...."

"We should put them back in their place."

(Note: Nagisa didn't have to help all of them, some of them had some academic chops, but were dragged down by the people who regularly got 10% or less for scores. Nagisa helped the people who were struggling academically a bit, and the grade average went up significantly because the better scores weren't being dragged down as much.)


Slightly longer chapter, heya guys! Sorry for missing the two day deadline I set for myself, beyond being busy during break I have no excuses, and I'll try to get better at updating regularly. I'm so excited for the future chapters! I hope you guys liked this chapter, and yes, Ura-Chan (If you haven't guessed at all) was a reference to Uraraka (sorry if I spelled that wrong) from BNHA, because y'all keep pointing out my unintentional references so why not keep them coming ٩( )و
Seeya in the next chapter!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)

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