(1.1) Decision Time!

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(A/N: I'mma be adding in arcs, because I've introduced most of the people already, and anyone who I haven't hit yet will appear in a chapter I need to finish, so yeah, arcs. Enjoy :p)


[Nagisa's PoV]

It wasn't long before the groups came back with everyone, and despite the loud protests, everyone took a seat. I waited silently until the chatter slowly subsided, and everyone looked at me with either annoyance or a bored/neutral expression. Mostly annoyed.

"Great! Everyone's here!" I smiled at the class, which only made them even more annoyed, with the exception of Sato, Yuui, and Tanaka, who stared on with indifferent expressions. "Hey, why'd you even call us in, anyways?! Hurry up and do what ya wanna do so we can go home!" Sakomoto yelled, pissed.

Nagisa just shook his head, still smiling. "Does this class have representatives?" Nagisa asked, scanning the classroom once again. Everyone shook their heads, with the occasional swearing of delinquients. Nagisa sighed, then suggested, "Then I suppose we should figure that out! We need a male and a female representative, does anyone want to nominate anyone?"

A stunned silence. Then a hand slowly went up, as though unsure if it was supposed to be there. Nagisa nodded emcouragingly, and Nakagawa, they boy who'd raised his hand, blurted out," S-sato-san!" Sato herself looked stunned, but quickly returned to her poker face. Another hand went up, as if encouraged by Nakagawa. "I agree, Sato-san would make a perfect female representative." A smooth voice spoke. 'Sasaki Erika.' I noted, before writing Sato Kana's name on the board.

"Any other nominations?" Abe lazily raised her hand, before flopping it back down and saying, "Ueda-kun, makes sense 'cuz he won't shut up 'bout rules and all that crap." She said, waving her hand. Ueda looked offended, and looked as though we was going to reply, but I cut him off by saying,"Okay, does anyone agree?" Three hands were raised. I nodded and wrote 'Ueda Akihiko' on the board below Sato's name.

"Any objections?" I asked, turning to face the class. No hands were raised, so both names stayed on the board. "Alright then, it seems Ueda-kun and Sato-san will be our new class representatives! Now, please take out your textbooks and turn to page 100, please." Only the five who had been in class beforehand, plus the Endo twins, Ueda, and Sasaki took them out. I sighed. "I suppose that'll work for now. Those who didn't bring their textbooks-or don't have one-please take notes on the important parts of the book. Now..."

-timeskip due to classroom difficulties-

I sighed heavily-the class had been hard to get through, but he thought he was making progress. He took a turn and walked towards the library quickly, not wanting to be late to his first meeting with her after multiple years of no contact.

He reached the library on time, and scanned the area, searching for her. He managed to spot her bright pink hair all the way on the other side of the room. He walked over to her table, and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention, as she was reading a book while she waited. She looked up, startled.

"Oh! Nagisa-senpai! Hi there!" She flashed him a warm smile. "Hello, Sakura-chan! How are you?" I asked, taking a seat beside her. "Great! Though my math isn't doing as good as I am right now." She admitted sheepishly before setting aside the book she was reading. "How are you? What are you doing right now?" She fired back, curious.

"I'm doing great, actually! I recently got out of college and started teaching my first class!" Sakura looked at me curiously. "Woaaah, really? Cool! How's the teacher life so far?" She grinned. "It's okay, but the class is hard to actually properly touch with my lessons. I like to think I'm getting through to them, though it'll take a while to get to all of them." I admitted.

"Really? Well, I bet you'll get through to them, after all, you are a really good teacher!" She cheered, and grabbed her math textbook. "So I need help with this and this. I don't understand how this becomes this." She pointed to multiple places on the page.

"Oh, that? Well to get to this, you..."

-timeskip because I suck at math-

"Thanks so much for your help, Nagisa-senpai!" She cheered, hugging me. "No problem Sakura-chan! If you need anymore help sometime soon, feel free to stop by our place! Your always welcome!" I smile at her, and leave the library. I smile as I walk home, excited to see Karma, despite the fact that I see him every day, because we'd moved in together.

I stepped through the front door, and yelled,"Tadaima!" as I took off my shoes. "Welcome home~" Karma's voice floated towards me as I walked over to the couch. I flopped down onto it, letting a content sigh escape me. Karma entered the living room a second later, and sat down beside me. "You're home late." He stated, looking at me curiously.

"Oh, I was out at the library with Sakura, she wanted to meet up for another study session. Didn't I tell you?" I return his curious gaze. He pretended to think for a minute before saying, "Nope, you didn't." He playfully stuck his tounge out at me, and I threw a playful punch at him in return. He laughed, then stood up. "I'm going to make dinner tonight, anything in particular you want?" Unconsciously, I immediately replied, "Sushi. Lots of sushi."

Karma laughed and sauntered off into the kitchen, and began preparing sushi.  My phone buzzed. Curious, I checked it. 'Kayano.' I clicked on the message. It read: "Hey, Nagisa! I'm coming in town today! I don't actually have a place to stay, mind if I crash at your place for a week or two?" I replied with: "Hi Kayano! I don't mind, let me run it through with Karma first though, when will you get here?" "Karma! Will you be okay if Kayano stays over for a week or two, she's coming in town today, and doesn't have a place to stay." I yelled into the kitchen, refusing to leave my super comfortable spot on the couch.

"Why can't she stay at a hotel or something?~" Karma whined, poking his head into the living room with a pout on his face. I shrugged. "Dunno. I mean if she asks to stay over I'd assume she doesn't want to have to spend money on a hotel when she can spend time at friends place." I reasoned. Karma's pout grew when he sighed and gave in, and he went back into the kitchen to finish the sushi. I received another message from Kayano. "Karma? Are you two living together now or something?" At this I smiled, and confirmed it. "Yep! Karma also said sure, surprisingly it wasn't hard to get him to back down."

"I bet he's got something up his sleeve. To answer your question as to when I'd get there, look out your windows." Confused, I shifted my position so I had a clear view of the front of our house. There stood a brown haired, flat chested actress, waving enthusiastically at me. I sweatdropped and motioned fot her to come in. She walked through the door and carefully took off her shoes. "Sorry for the intrusion!" And she bounced into the living room excitedly. "Hey Nagisa! You became a teacher right?" I nodded, thinking nothing weird or possibly bad could come of it. "Can I meet your students tomorrow?" She chirped innocently, a cheerful grin on her features. 'Oh no......"


Karma: Here's your sushi, Kayano-chan!~"

Kayano: Thanks Karma-HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!

Karma: *laughing hysterically*

Nagisa sweatdrops as chaos ensues.

Heyyyyyyy! Done! Yayyyy! Slightly longer than my normal chapters, probably would have added more but I wanted to post it as soon as possible! Anyway, now I have a new story, so if you have the chance pwease look at it, I'm really excited for what will come with that story. Anyways, enough of me, see you in the next chapter~!

-Anime~Dragons (aka Kana)

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