Stalking Time! (1.3)

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-Lunch Time-

"Hey, do you think Nagisa-sensei has a girlfriend?" Matsuda asks Ogawa and Arai during lunch, while chewing on a piece of onigiri. "Ha, I doubt it. He lacks the looks, hell, he looks like a girl himself! And who would want to date a crazy person like him anyways?" Snarked Ogawa haughtily, flipping her hair to the side for effect. Arai nodded, agreeing with her.

"Looks aren't everything in a relationship. If you want to know, why not just ask him instead of being prissy and gossiping about it?" Yamazaki snorts, having overheard Ogawa. Ogawa looked at her, before smirking. "Alright then. I bet he doesn't have a love life though. He seems pretty pathetic in that department, considering he didn't notice Haruna-sama's crush on him. Sure he's good at martial arts, but he seems likely to just punch a relationship in the gut without realizing it." She snorts in contempt, Matsuda and Arai nodding and smirking along with her. Matsuda more so because he didn't want him to be in a relationship, not because he didn't think he could be in one. To him, it was entirely possible. Arai thought it impossible for a 'heavenly maiden' to be in a relationship with a male who wasn't manly.

Wantabe looked interested in the not so quiet conversation, sneaking looks at the group and leaning in their general direction, while the delinquients paid attention to hang onto anything to hold against the infuriating bluenette that was their teacher. Soon enough lunch ended, and they reluctantly trudged into the classroom.

Nagisa tried to start the lesson, but was inturrupted by Ogawa. "Hey sensei, do you have a girlfriend?" The portion of the class who didn't overhear their conversation looked shocked, but soon turned to eager anticipation as they stared at their uncomfortable teacher. "N-no, I don't have a girlfriend, Ogawa-san." Nagisa tried to fight off any sort of blush that may have risen because of the question. The class wasn't having it. "C'mon, you must have some sort of relationship right?" "Spill spill!" The class chorused, bugging him relentlessly. Nagisa tried hard to calm his students and fight off his blush that appeared on his face.

"I'm not in any sort of relationship!! Now focus on the lesson at hand unless you prefer learning this after-school!" He threatened, still blushing. At that the class shut up, and the lesson continued.

Afterschool, Abe Nakago and Wantanabe Gin decided to hang around the school to try and stalk Nagisa-sensei afterschool, because, well, they were curious about the teacher. 30 or so minutes passed and finally Nagisa walked out of the building. He started down the street, so the duo followed him. Then something happened that they totally did not expect.

They saw Akabane Karma, a new but popular and powerful politician, and Nagisa noticed this. He walked over to Akabane, and they acted like best friends. The duo stared at their interactions in a daze. 'Yep. Our homeroom teacher is definitely not normal. Who freaking knows Akabane Karma AND Haruna Mase?! I wonder if he knows Tomohito Sugino or the record breaking sniper duo of Hayami Rinka and Chiba Rynosuke?!' The two glanced at eachother. 'Nah.'

They noticed that they are losing the redheaded politian and the short bluenette and hurried to catch up to them. They saw the two exchange a glance, and briefly wondered what that had been about before the two set off at a faster pace than before, forcing Abe and Wantanabe to stop thinking and focus. Eventually they lost the two, much to Abe's and Wantanabe's shock. "Wantanabe-kun! What do you mean you lost them?! Your supposed to be an amazing stalker, and you freaking LOST THEM?!" Abe yelled, angry and freaked out at the same time.

After a bunch of arguing and accusations the two opted to stop at the techie twins' place to see if they got anything on the guy. On the way there, Wantanabe was grumbling about how pointless this whole thing was and was rather upset about not finding anything cool, besides knowing that Nagisa knew a politician. Wantanabe was so lost in his thoughts that when they got to the twins' house he kept on walking, mumblin angrily to himself. Abe sighed in annoyance and pretty much just grabbed his collar and dragged him up the stairs without regard for his safety. Resulting in Wantanabe struggling and hitting into the lip of each step, as well as the railing.

Abe pounded on the door to the house like she was a cop, yelling at the top of her lungs. "Yo, Katsuki-kun, Hisako-chan! Open the damn door!" Eventually an annoyed Katsuki opened the door. "Hello there, Abe-san, what a pleasant surprise." He greeted her sarcastically and opened the door so they could come in. "Wantanabe-kun, hello the-wait dude are you okay?! Come in come in!" Sarcasm turned into worry, and the two entered the house. Wantanabe more so limped in the house, clenching his jaw.

Katsuki led him up to the bathroom to clean up and treat his wounds while Hisako dealt with Abe. "So! Why did you stop by, A-be-chan?~" She inquired cheerfully, studying Abe's face. An annoyed expression took over her face. "We tried stalking the guy but we came up with nothing except for rhe fact that he knows Akabane Karma. We lost them." Hisako gasps, familiar with Wantanabe's reputation as a stalker. "So did you want something from us?" She asks carefully. Abe's face brightened. "Yeah. We were wondering if you guys came up with anything." Hisako's face became upset. "No, we did some digging and his chatrooms and personal devices are secure, we can't get in. We could only find basic info. The only remotely interesting thing we found is that he went to Kunigigoaka Junior High as a kid."

Abe's eyes narrowed. Who was Nagisa-sensei, and why was he so secretive? The male duo came back down to find a depressed looking Hisako and no sign of Abe. The two exchanged looked and shrugged, Wantanabe thanked Katsuki and left, while Katsuki tried to cheer up Hisako.

Meanwhile, over at the Akabane/Shiota residence, our favorite bluenette was on the line with someone he hasn't talked to in many years. "Can you do it, Nagisa Shiota?" The bluenette in question didn't hesitate when replying with, "Yes."


Hewo! Author here! What do you guys think of this chapter? Thoughts, concerns, ideas? On another note.........HOW THE FRICK DID THIS BOOK GET TO 1k VIEWS?! I'm shookth, and he fact that I have around 50 votes......NANI?! Seriously tho, I totally expected this book to end up in some sort of trash dump, thank y'all so much!! I'm glad some of you out there like my story, it motivates me to keep going. Anyways, thank you so so so much, and seeya in the next chapter!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)

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