Curious Twin Time!

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[Kana's PoV]

- 3-5 group chat -

Chika: Hey, what do you guys think of the new teacher?

Kana: I think she's nice.

Reiji: Nice? Nah, she's fucking out of her mind.

Kyōsuke: Yeah, no sane person fucking tells a bunch of kids to kill them.

Kana: Well, yeah, but she's still nice!

Katsuki: Agreed. She didn't piss herself when Bakamoto-kun threatened her and actually gives two shits about our education. Sure, her methods are questionable, but I don't care.


Nakago: If it means I can attack her without being sent to the office, I'm happy. And chill Reiji, geez.

Kana: Typical Nakago.

Kyōsuke: Hey, Endo-chan, Endo-kun, can you look her up or something? You two are hackers right? So it shouldn't be much of a problem?

Nakago: Why tho?

Reiji: I'm down. I wanna know more 'bout the lil' shit, and why she wants us to try n' kill her.

Hisako: Sure, we can try. Right Ka-chan?

Katsuki: We can try, although it'll definietly be hard, I think she's the type to keep her secrets well hidden.

Hisako: We'll get on it! See you guys at school!

-Katsuki and Hisako log off-


"Kana!!" My mother shouts up the stairs, "Come help me make dinner!!"

I groan, wanting to continue chatting, but my mom can be really strict, so I log off.

"Coming Mom!" I say, typing a quick message in chat before logging out.

'Sorry guys, I have to help my mom make dinner, see you in class.'

Chika: Bye, Kana-chan!

-Kana logs off-

I throw my phone on my bed before sprinting downstairs into the kitchen, not wanting to test my mother's patience.

-Meanwhile, over at the Endo house-

[3rd Person]

Hisako is squinting at the screen in frustration, brown furrowed, as she had been kicked out of the system for the nth time, and she was at her last wit.

Katsuki walks into the room with a tray of snacks and a couple mugs of hot chocolate and tea.

"Here, Hisako, have something to eat, you're frustrated." Katsuki stated in a soft, comforting voice, passing the enraged teen a small bag of chips.

Hisako sighed, and reluctantly accepted the chips. She ripped the bag open and angrily munched on the chips, as though they had been offending her.

"Arigato, Ka-chan." Hisako said through a mouthful of chips, while chewing.

"Hisako! No talking with your mouth full!" Katsuki scolded, amused.

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