(1.2) Actress Time!

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(Please note this chapter isn't edited, I wanted to get it out as soon as possible. When I do edit this this message will disappear)

Tanaka woke up as he normally would every morning. He combed his hair, ate a healthy breakfast consisting of eggs, toast, and grapes, and packed his bag, yelled a quick goodbye to his mom as he swung out the door. A rather normal day, well, as normal as it can get with a weird teacher who wants his students to kill him.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tanaka spots a flash of long brown hair. 'Yuui-chan!' "Tanaka-kun." I jump, startled. I turned my head to see Yuui Chika herself, standing beside me, no, walking beside me. And she actually wants to talk to me! "Oh, uh, hi there Yuui-chan!" I stumble over my words awkwardly. I internally slapped myself. 'What the hell was that?! Arata you are better than this dammit!' To my surprise, Yuui laughs.

We talked for a bit before lapsing into silence. A rather comfortable silence at that. That was until Fukuda ran inbetween us, gasping and panting as though she'd run a marathon.

"Guys! Guess what! Haruna Mase's in town! She came here yesterday! Apparently she's doing a movie here or something!" Fukuda's head bobbed up and down excitedly as she jump-skipped, excited. "Really?" Yuui looked at Fukuda. "Yeah!" Fukuda and Yuui launched into a tangent about awesome  Haruna and her movies were. I listened in, overly curious.

Soon we arrived at the school. We walked up into the classroom, and Yuui quickly stopped talking and lowered her head slightly, and avoided most conversation. If she did respond, she'd answer in quick one or two word answers. It was like this all the way up to the classroom, which confused the crap out of Fukuda, who eventually gave up and skipped away to pester someone else.

We opened the classroom door, greeted by a frozen-into-stone Fukuda. Her eyes bugged out of her head, and her jaw slack. We stepped in to try and see what was going on, and we too, froze.

"Kayano, shouldn't you be going off to your movie? You could be late!" Our blue haired female teacher urged the famous Haruna Mase. How does our teacher know Haruna Mase?! "Oh gosh, thanks for the reminder! I'll stop by in the afternoon, 'kay? See you soon, Nagisa!" She cheered and swept past us, leaving the room. Nagisa-sensei sighed, and looked at the entire class. A moment of complete silence, then chaos. "How do you know Haruna Mase?!" "Are you close?" "Why did you call her Kayano?" "No honorifics?!" Nagisa-sensei just endured these questions, trying to regain her composture.

"How-" "That's enough!" Her voice rang through the classroom, causing everyone to shut up. She took a deep breath before saying, "I'll answer all your questions when Kayano get's back.  Until then, we'll be learning about..."

-timeskip brought to you by Author-chan's lack of knowledge-

-Before PE-

The students were writing the last few sentences of the essay, waiting for the final minutes of the period to tick away, when a flash of hazel and brown burst through the door. "Nagisaaaaaa!~" Haruna latches onto their blue-haired teacher, hugging the life out of her. She then turns to face the class after Nagisa peels Haruna off herself.

"Hi class! My name is Akari Yukimura, otherwise known as Haruna Mase and Kaede Kayano. Nice to meet you all!" She says, smiling cutely. The class didn't do anything, just stared at the cute flat chested actress standing before them. Kana, ever the curious one, raised her hand.

"Why do you have so many aliases, and why does Nagisa-sensei call you Kayano instead of Akari or Yukimura?" Kana asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. Nagisa-sensei became more alert at the question, while Haruna looked conflicted. After a few moments she answered. "Ehehe, Kayano Kaede was the name I chose for when I attended middle school, I didn't really want anyone to know I was a super famous actress." She smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

Nagisa-sensei jumped in, "I call her Kayano because I knew her as Kayano Kaede, and she prefers E class to call her that. It just seems more right than calling her Haruna or Yukimura." She shrugged halfheartedly. "Ehehehe, and because he looks so awkward trying to call me that. It's hilarious!" She elbowed him in the side, earning an embarassed "Hey!" from Nagisa.

Wait. She said he. Huh?! Confusion riddled the entire class's faces. Except from Wantabe, he remained calm, albeit amused at their reactions. Matsuda jumped up, looking shocked and upset. "Wait! So your saying our girly teacher is actually a guy?!

Haruna giggled, amused, while Nagisa-sensei had his arms folded with a tick mark on his head, annoyed. "Yup! Fun fact: I actually had a crush on him in middle school, the whole class knew except for him! Nagisa's a whole new level of dense! Luckily I got over it in high school, because I didn't have the guts to ever ask him out, and he'd probably find out when hell froze over." She smiled cheekily at Nagisa, who was staring at her in complete and utter shock.

I just stared, my eyes bugging out of my head. 'So your telling me that my feminine teacher who is slightly insane and wants us to kill him at the end of the year, is actually a guy, and that he knows a famous actress named Haruna Mase, who had a freaking crush on him!?! I think I'm gonna faint....'

The entire class resounded in a loud "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" While Fukuda fainted from shock. Everyone went home, unable to process what had just happened, and most tried to sleep the day away, hoping today was just a dream. However it wasn't, and the class concluded their teacher was the weirdest and craziest teacher on planet Earth.

AHHHHHH CRAP! So this is late. Really late. I'm so so sorry! I went on a mini Hatius (is that how you spell it?) because I needed to figure out the hell I was doing with my life, plus I got a creative spurt, so I got distracted, and yeah. Also procrastination, my specialty. I do intend to get back on the normal uploading schedule, so don't worry about that. Thanks so much for being patient with me, and I will let you guys know the next time I take a break. If you guys got any cool ideas for how I could go about the book, fire them at me! I'm kinda winging it right now with no real plan, or ideas for the matter, so I might run into a wall at some point. I'll post a comment you can reply to for any ideas. Anyway, should probably stop talking before Ritsu cuts me off again, so see you guys next chapter!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)

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