Angst Time! (1.6)

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Suzuki [PoV]

"Maybe, just maybe, my parents could stop fighting......" I murmured to myself, a soft smile appearing on my face. "If only...." I turned around the corner to come to a light blue house with pale yellow accents, flowers and potted vegtables everywhere. I take a in a deep breath. "Let's do this." She whispered to herself, mentally preparing herself. She started to step forward, but a loud crash stopped her in her tracks.

"How dare you!! I'm not the one who made me become pregnant!!" A woman screetches furiously. 'Mom?' Tears prick my eyes.

"You damn b***h, you still had her!! You could kill her inside your stomach! You don't have to protect her!!" My eyes widen. I'd had never heard those two words in my life, yet....

They sound so wrong

"You actually want me to kill someone?! How heartless are you!! That's it, I've had enough of you!!

This always happens. Why can't they just stop?!

"Then get out of my damn house you leech!! You and Hikari! I don't have the time for either of you anymore!!"

Stop!!! Stop, stop, stop, just stop!!!!

I hold my hands over my ears and sink to my knees, crying. The fighting promptly stopped, and she heard the door open. "Hikari....." Mom clenched her fist. I slowly looked up, only to see Mom turned towards Dad, anger clouding her face.

"This is all because of you!! This is your fault, how could you do this to your only daughter!!!" She yells angrily

"All because of me?! No, its because of that d-" He paused, gaze flickering towards me, "cursed baby you have inside of you!"

"Oh, now i-"

"STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!!!" Tears slipped down from my eyes, and my parents stare at me, taken aback. "I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!! ALL YOU DO IS FIGHT AND FIGHT!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STOP AND MAKE UP FOR ONCE!!" I turned away from them and sprinted away from my house, my parents. I ran blindly, not caring what I hit in the process.

I slow down after what seemed like hours of running, and I fell against a wall in an alley. I didn't know where I was, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone. I slid down the wall, hitting the pavement and cried into my arms.

I cried for what seemed like hours, only looking up when I felt my stomach growl in hunger. Slightly calmer now, I noticed it was nighttime. I rubbed my eyes, sniffling, and walked aimlessly around.

A kind looking man approached me. He had silver hair, with a gentle expression. For whatever reason, he was dressed in a black cloak. He kinda reminded me of something, but I didn't know what. "Hey there little girl. Are you lost?" He spoke, his voice took me in, soothing me. I feel like I can trust him.

Suddenly I remembered my father smiling in front of me, wagging his finger. "If you don't know someone, and you're away from us, stay away from them! Stranger danger!" I shook my head as if I could shake the memory out of my head. 'I don't want to think about him right now.'

"Yes, I am. Could you tell me where I am?" I reply, smiling sweetly at him. "You're just outside of Tokyo. You look hungry, want a snack? I have some crackers if you want."

I slowly put the pieces back on. "Yes please!" I force the bubbly attitude back up. He laughs, and hands me a package of crackers. I smile, and took one out, not noticing the package was already opened.

I popped it in my mouth. Then another. And another. Soon, the entire package was gone. My throat suddenly felt dry. "H-hey, do you have any water? I'm kinda thirsty..." I clutch my throat, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. "Yeah, sure!" His pleasant tone had shifted slightly. He hands me a waterbottle, which was missing a cap.

However I was too thirsty to care. I drank it, relief washing over me as I sighed. "Thanks!~" I cheered, and ran off in the direction to my house. I yawned, slowing down after getting only three feet away. 'So...tired...' I dropped to my knees, and the world spun as my vision turned black. 'Oh....that's right. That's what it reminded me of....... my....'

{3rd person PoV}

As Suzuki dropped to the ground, unconcious, someone stepped out of the shadows. "That was easy. She dropped like a fly." The silver haired man turned towards his comrade. "Here she is, one of his students. Don't mess up again." He smiled, but bloodlust emnated from behind the facade. "Don't worry. I won't fail again."

Nagisa was typing on his computer, trying to figure out any possible links to Takaoka's escape, (while also creating worksheets for his students on the side) , when he received a call. He frowned and checked the Caller ID. "Karasuma?" He wondered aloud, before picking up the phone. "Karasuma-sensei? Did you find something?"

"Yes, I have. There have been sightings of a silver haired man in a black cloak, I'll send you some photos. I think we may have found our link." Nagisa's eyes widened in alarm. He computer dings, letting him know he had received an email. A picture of the man came into view.

Nagisa's eyes widen in shock. "He should be dead....sensei killed"

"I know. It's unexplainable, but its the closest link we have. He's certainly capable of freeing Takaoka, and most likely is planning something. Be on your guard."

"Don't worry sensei, I will." He hangs up the phone. Karma walks into the room lazily. "You okay Nagi? You look a little pale." "He's back." "Who?" "The Fake God of Death."

------ Random Moment with the Bad People ------

He suddenly realizes he never told him of his past failures. "Wait, how did you even figure out that I failed before?!"

The man smirkes, "I have my ways. I'm an assassin, don't question it."

"That's still no reason to poke around my personal life!!"

"Get over it, you're a military officer gone psycho! The author doesn't give two shits about your life and privacy!!"

"Wait wha-"

"I never said anything. Goodbye, time to go be a badass assassin!!" He climbs ontop of the houses and parkours across the rooftops.



Yay! Angst! Yay!
Nothing else to say soo....
I hope you liked this chapter, and I see you next chappy!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)

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