Gathering Time! Part 2

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-Another Group-

Suzuki Hikari and Chiba Fumi both walked down the hills, searching for Reiji Sakamoto and Maeda Kyōsuke, the two delinquients. Fumi looked on edge, because like everyone else except Hikari, she was terrified of the two. Hikari on the other hand, looked pretty happy and content, bouncing down the hill. A ball of sunshine and innocence.

Chiba Fumi is usually a rather hard-to-beat down type of person, she liked to think of herself as tough, and could give people a good whipping. However when she's scared of something, she has a very hard time getting over it. Fumi is good with martial arts and likes airsoft. She is good at aiming, and is more profiencent with a gun than with her fists, but she can use those if neccessary. Fumi is really protective of her friends, so while she is on edge she will be constantly checking in on Hikari.

Everyone loves Hikari, and everyone feels the need to protect her. Why? Because she is a ball of sunshine and innocence. Hikari is a rather pretty girl with long chestnut colored hair matched with emerald green eyes. Wherever she goes, the mood turns light, and some people swear that they see stars and sparkles surrounding her. She's sworn, nor does she know any. She gets along with pretty much everyone, including delinquients.

Reiji was especially fond of Hikari, and beat up everyone who so much as insulted her. Kyōsuke respected her, but otherwise left her to her own devices, unless she specifically wanted to do something with him. Hikari got into 3-5 through bad grades, simply because she never really tried in school. She actually has the lowest grades in the entire school.

"Do you even know where we could find those two?" Fumi asks Hikari as they made their way down the hill and onto the streets.

"Nope!" Hikari chirped, still bouncing up and down.

Fumi sweatdrops at this, and continues scouting the area. Eventually the two came to a stop and sat down on the benches, watching the children play with Reiji, while Kyōsuke stands off to the side stoically.

Wait......Reiji and Kyōsuke?! Fumi stands up abruptly and marches over to Kyōsuke. "What are you two doing?! You should be in school!" She yells angrily, before coming to her senses and realizing she just yelled at Kyōsuke, a very dangerous delinquient nobody wants to cross.

Kyōsuke looked at her, annoyance written all over his face. Fumi gulped, but was pushed aside by Hikari, who had bounced over during her outburst. "Ne, Kyō-chan, Rei-chan! We gotta go to school! C'monnnn~" Hikari tugged at his hand in attempt to get the hardened delinquient to budge.

Surprisingly, it worked. Kyōsuke, followed her, and Reiji, who'd heard Hikari, stopped what he was doing and said goodbye to the children. Relieved to be away from the children, he charged over to Hikari and followed her back to school, while Fumi just stood there dumbly.

"Whelp. Time to go get the others now." Fumi said aloud before walking down the street once again.


-Another Group-

Tanaka Arata and Yuui Chika walked quietly down the streets. Yuui fidgeted nervously with her skirt, while Tanaka walked slowly, shyly casting glances at Yuui. When she'd look up, Tanaka would instantly look away, speeding up a bit before slowing down again. Neither of them spoke, nor made an effort to.

Eventually, Tanaka tried to break the silence. "So......who are we trying to find again?"

Yuui looked at him and adjusted her glasses before looking at a small piece of paper with several names written down on it. "Sugimoto Isami, Yamamoto Daichi, Takagi Shin, Abe Nakago, Ogawa Madoka, and Yamazaki Reiko." She announced in a small voice, before carefully folding the paper and slipping it into her backpack.

Tanaka continued to look at her, even though she had finished reading off the names. Yuui looked at him, once again fidgeting with her skirt. "U-uh, T-tanaka, did I say something wrong..?" Yuui asked nervously, worried she did something wrong.

Tanaka snapped out of his trance and looked away. "U-uh, no, you're fine." Tanaka tried to fight the blush off his face as they walked silently. "That's a relief." Yuui sighed, a small smile on her face and she picked up her pace, not noticing Tanaka's blush.

Eventually the two made it to Sugimoto's house. They rang the doorbell, and a tired looking Ogawa Madoka opened it. "Hnnnnn, what is it?" She mumbled, brushing her messed up hair out of her face.

Yuui and Tanaka stared at her with shock written all over their faces. "T-this is Sugimoto's house, right Ogawa?" Tanaka asked nervously, staring at the half asleep girl. This comment snapped her out of her daze. She stared at the quiet duo in utter astonishment.

"Madoka-chan, who is it?" Sugimoto's voice drifted through the house and out the door. Ogawa stepped out the front of the house and shut the door behind her. She grabbed Tanaka's collar and pushed him against the railing.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" She hissed, casting fearful glances at the shut door, and at Yuui, as if pleading her not to open it.

Yuui spoke up,"We're here to bring you to school, today we have it, and Nagisa-sensei doesn't want everyone to miss it." She walked towards the door and opened it. "S-sugimoto-san, it's me, Yuui, and Tanaka-kun. We're here to take you to school." Her quiet voice echoed in large house, and she retreated, oblivious to Ogawa's glares.

Ogawa suddenly pulled away from Tanaka, and shoved him far away from her just as Sugimoto popped his head out the door. "Oh, Madoka-chan said we didn't have school today when we woke up, so I didn't know. Sorry, we'll be coming soon, don't wait for us." Sugimoto said apolegetically, pulling Ogawa inside. The door shut behind them, leaving the duo standing awkwardly outside of their doorway.

"Did that just...."
The duo walked back to the streets, reverting back to their quiet and awkward silence as they made their way towards their classmates' houses.

Ahhhhh so sorry for the delay!!! I might actually be posting slower than usual for a bit, partly because I want to devote most of my time to learning Japanese, and because I randomly came up with another book idea I want to expand on. So yeah. I do promise to get at least one chapter out a week, so that's good. :) Sorry!

~Anime-Dragons (Kana)

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