Escapade Time! (1.5)

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[Kana's PoV]

As I walked to school, I scrolled through my phone as usual. I like to keep the tabs on the news and what's going on in the area. I scrolled through all sorts of boring crap when I discovered an interesting looking article. "Former Agent Takaoka Akira Escapes Prison!"

I click on it, and scrolled through the article with mild interest. What I was was astonishing. "Akira Takaoka was a former agent of the Ministry of Defense. He was removed from his post due the interference of Gakuhou Asano, as he wasn't doing his job properly. Upset with the dismissal, Takaoka planned to kill more than half of Class 3-E of Kunigigaoka Junior High, who had earned themselves a trip to Okinawa Resort. There he poisioned half the class and planned the death of two other children and a teacher. Luckily there were no casualities and the poisioned students were cured. Takaoka was placed in jail, but has now escaped 7 years after his capture. Please be on the lookout for this man. Stay away if you do see him, and notify the authorities."

I instantly took screenshots of the entire article, and luckily I did, because the article was taken down by the ministry for having classified information. I quickly sent the screenshots to the tech twins and Tanaka. Kunigigaoka is where Nagisa-sensei went to school. In other words, he might be related! This is their chance!

-Katsuki's PoV-

My phone let out an earsplitting screech, letting me know Kana had texted me. Since Kana never texts anyone for no reason, I fumble around looking for my phone in my pocket. Everyone stared at me like a crazy person because of my ringtone, but I didn't care. This could be a lead!

I opened the text while walking, being a master at multitasking I easily avoided people and cars while walking to school. The text consisted of screenshots of a now taken down article. I had been about to click on it myself, had it not been blocked. While reading through it my eyes widened. 3-E. That's the class Nagisa-sensei had been in during his third year of Junior High.

I sent the screenshots to my computer and backed up my phone just in case. Before I knew it, I had reached school. Putting away my phone I entered the building, already impatient. I met up with Kana at the entrance and we both walked to class, exchanging our theories in whispers. However the more I thought about it, the more one question nagged at me. 'Why was the article flagged for containing classified information?'

-3rd Person PoV-

The class waited for 5 minutes past the normal time for school to start, but Nagisa-sensei was late. Again. Were they going to have substitutes again? They hoped not, remembering the intense duo and the foreign lady's weird perverted mind.

10 minutes passed and still no sign of Nagisa-sensei. It was only a half hour later when he burst through the door, panting. "Where the hell were you?!" The class chorused in anger, throwing random items at him, which he promptly dodged. He caught a sharpened meterstick one inch from his forehead. "Sorry for being late class, I was held up by an old mentor and friend." An apologetic look on his face calmed down most of the class, but it irked the more so violent and rowdy students in the class.

Suzuki just ignored her surrounding and began doodling hearts and rainbows on her desk, humming a song called 'Seishuun Satsubon' bobbing her head to the beat. Everyone sweatdropped, not noticing the sad glimmer in her eye as Nagisa-sensei began class.

-timeskip brought to you by Kayano's pudding contest-

During lunch the tech twins, Tanaka, and Sato sat in a circle under a cherry tree. "So this guy's connected to Nagisa-sensei somehow?" Tanaka pointed to the screenshot of his crazed face. "Yup. Nagisa-sensei went to that exact same class and exact same school the exact same year." The twins confirmed in unison.

"One thing that's been bothering me though, why exactly is this information classified?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. Sato hummed, trying to make sense of the situation. Tanaka reread the article. "I mean, if it has something to do with a mass murder attempt on kids, of course it'd be classified!" Tanaka reasoned.

"No, other things like this have been released, not classified, and I did some digging and found nothing of the incident itself 7 years ago." Katsuki shot the idea down immediatly.

"Why would a military agent even be posted at the school in the first place?" Sato frowned at the beginning part. Tanaka and the twins frowned as well. "Well maybe..."


Suzuki sat on the grass, eating her bento peacefully, doodling in her notebook. This class - this field - her notebook - is her only safe zone. Her away from the hell hole. She sighed as her delicious bento was finished. She sat alone, because she needed space to think by herself without everyone.

Killing her teacher is relaxing, and something she enjoyed, funnily enough. She smiled as the bell rang for class to resume. Maybe just maybe, she could get through this.


- (you guess) PoV-

The man in the dark alley chuckled darkly as he watched the a girl with an innocent personality prance out of school, seeming to be excited by something. A relavation maybe? It didn't matter to him. A psychotic grin stretched across his face, as a wonderful idea came to mind.


Wheeeeee two chapters in one day! That's a first! Sorry for taking forever, I'll be back regularly now! Thank you guys so much for the support! I'm seriously question how the hell this story came so far. I also posted a new story! Kunigigaoka Watches 3-E! I know it's not an original idea, but what can I say, I had a brick of ideas hit me in the skull and bam! 3 chapters in two days! I'm proud of myself for once. I hope you like, and see y'all next chappy!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)

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