Substitute Time! (1.4)

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"Can you do it, Nagisa Shiota?"

The students shifted uncomfortably in their seats as they took another look at the clock. 'Where is Nagisa-sensei?' The students thought as the clock ticked 5 minutes past the bell's ringing. The delinquients shared a look and Sakamoto smirked, "Y'know, I think he finally quit. Took him long enough!" He barked a laugh. All of the students glared at him, then faltered when they considered the possibility.

Sakamoto noticed this and took advantage of this hesitation. "Maybe we should all just skip and-" The door burst open, with a panting woman. All the boys instantly got a nosebleed, for the woman's clothing choices were rather showy, and it didn't help that her bust was huge..... "Damn! Late by 5 minutes!" The blonde panted out snappily, trying to regain her composture. Passing her, a black haired man in sharp, professional looking clothes and hard eyes made his way to the front of the classroom. All the girls drooled, except for Kana, who just stared at the unfamiliar adults warily.

The man sighed, massaging his temples. "Maybe if you hadn't spent forever picking out your clothes and trying to make a fool of yourself, we wouldn't have been late." He replied irritably. The woman shot up and and started yelling at him, obviously ticked off, but the mysterious man ignored her. "Hello, everyone. Your teacher, Shiota Nagisa, won't be in today, as he had an unforeseen situation show up, and it must be tended to immediately." He informed them, "My name is Tadomi Karasuma, and that woman over there is Irina Jelavich." He gestsured to the blonde yelling obscenities at him. "We will be your substitute teachers for today." Everyone blinked once, then twice. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?!"


Nagisa sheathed his knife and put a gun with live ammo into his holster. Karasuma-sensei had asked him to take out a man who is suspected to be trying to create another Koro-sensei.


"Nagisa. I need your help." Karasuma stated over the line.
"What with, sensei?" Nagisa asked while trying to comfort a sulking Karma, annoyed that someome just had to call his blueberry while they were in the middle of something.
"Someome has been suspected of trying to recreate the antimatter experiment that had resulted in the octopus's transformation. I need you to do this, because Irina is not suited for this mission, and frankly, I think you'll get the job done faster and with better results than me."
"I see." Nagisa nodded seriously, his blue eyes reflecting a spark of anger.
"Can you do it, Nagisa Shiota?"
Nagisa paused, before replying with a determined, "Yes."

-end of flashback-

So here he was, preparing to go and collect information, as well as stop this before it gets out of hand. Honestly, what are people thinking, the moon blew up and the world almost did as well thanks to those experiments, why would someone do that, and who'd be crazy enough to even attempt that?! Nagisa shook his head in annoyance and disbelief as he left the house, all weapons concealed. Time to deal with idiots who apparently wants the world to explode.


All the boys would not stop staring. More like couldn't. I mean, who could when someone that beautiful was at the front of the classroom. Likewise with the girls to Karasuma. Noticing this, Karasuma gains a tick mark and grits his teeth, not wanting to put up with more girls gawking at him. Irina, however, was thoroughly enjoying it. She sassed, "Just call me Jelavich-oneesan (A/N: is it oneesan or oneesama?) or sensei, none of at Irina-sensei shiz." Everyone looked at her and tried to pronounce the complicated name, with varying levels of success. Irina watched them struggle before snapping, "Ugh! I can't watch you brats. Just call me Bitch-sensei." Everyone stared. Irina raised an eyebrow. "What? Your teacher calls me that, in fact his entire class does. His best friend was the one who started the trend, actually." The newly dubbed (or not so) Bitch-sensei smiled fondly in nostalgia.

The delinqueints shrugged and exchanged glances while the rest continued to stare. 'YOU MEAN YOU TAUGHT NAGISA-SENSEI?!' Soon enough everyone had recovered and nodded at adult duo. Bitch-sensei flashed them a smile and wrote on the board. 'You are incredible in bed.' Kana, ever the studious one, did a spit take as she was drinking from her water bottle as she stared in shock at the blonde woman. Tanaka and Yuui stared as well, just as shocked at the blonde beauty as her.

"What? It's a perfectly fine example of a sentence in English."  Irina smirked, amused at their reactions. Everyone else stared at the sentence, trying to work it out, as Ueda spluttered, "HOW IS THAT HARDLY AN APPROPRIATE EXAMPLE?!" Irina ignored his outburst and tapped at the words in turn. "You are incredible in bed."

Finally understanding, the rest of the class blushed while Suzuki tilted her head. "I don't understand, what is that supposed to mean? Your supposed to sleep in bed right? Oh! Does that mean that the person who's saying that thinks you sleep well?" She lightly hit her fist into her open palm, having a 'Oh!' Moment of understanding. We all sweatdrop at her, while Irina chuckled evilly in the background, watching the clueless girl.


Nagisa had trailed the guy back to his house. So far he seemed nice, not at all suspicous. However looks can be deceiving and his innocuous behavior just made this whole trip a hell of a lot longer than it has to be. Nagisa watched him, eyes narrowed through the glass as he typed in a passcode to a hidden door. Nagisa took note of the passcode and way to activate the secret passage as the man entered. The small bluenette snapped some photos to use as a reference and evidence. When the door closed Nagisa prepared to wait for hours to wait for his target to leave.

-timeskip brought to you by Irina's education-

Four hours later the man left, and Nagisa quickly snuck in and disabled all the cameras and sensors before going through the data. He noticed a bunch test tubes filled with questionable substances and packed them away in a case. He took photos of the papers and put them in case as well, locking it carefully. Apparently the removal of the tubes set off an alarm on the man's phone, and was confronted before leaving. Luckily Nagisa heard him coming with his loud stomping, and flattened himself against the wall.

The man burst into the room suddenly and forcefully, and before he could do anything else, Nagisa shot him with a paralysis dart. "Saves me the trouble of having to find him." Nagisa mutters underneath his breath as he ties up the man and calls his former mentor.

Hewoooo! Ish meh! Anyways, here's where things start kicking off. For once I have no idea what to say, sooooo...... Anyways, y'know how I said I'm making a cover for this story? Welll, I'm still working on it. I plan on making it digital, if it actually looks well that is. I hope to finish it sometime after Christmas. Anyways, hope you guys liked this, and as always, see you in the next chapter! *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

(I just realized how much I say anyways.... *facepalms*)

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana!)

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