Gathering Time! Part 1

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Nagisa's eye twitched in annoyance as he stared at his students in disappointment, who were fidgeting nervously. Well, five of them, to be exact. Five nervous pairs of eyes stared back at him. "Why are you five the only one's here?" He asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance and disapproval in his voice.

The girl with sky blue hair and golden-yellow eyes, Sato Kana, piped up," Most people skipped, either because they don't feel like going to school, or they forgot we even had school." She glanced quickly at the Endo twin's seats, Katsuki and Hisako's seats. "Though I don't know why Hisako-chan and Katsuki-kun aren't here...." She trailed off, mumbling to herself.

Nagisa's annoyance only grew. "How do people 'forget' to go to school?"

Kana met his stare levelly as she replied, "Because we didn't ever have an actual teacher around the classroom we found no point in attending school, why go if you don't learn anything? So we often skip class as a result, your being here isn't exactly normal for us, and habits are hard to break." She explains, as though this was a normal occurance.

Nagisa frowned, then sighed. "Well then, let's go get them. We can't have most the class miss a lesson, can we?"

The five looked at him in disbelief. "Ehhhhh?!" They promptly began attacking him randomly with whatever they could find. Chalk and erasers flew in the air alongside pencils and pens. Papers scattered and scissors were used as knives.

When they had finished attacking him due to fatigue, the classroom was a complete and utter mess. They leaned on their desks or sank to their knees panting, while Nagisa just stood their, a small smile on his face. They hadn't been able to hit him before, same with now. They looked at him, frustrated, as he mentally began putting together teams of two, with one person going solo.

They all groaned as the short teacher announced the teams, and sent them all off while he stayed to clean the classroom. The students considered skipping classes, but they figured their teacher wouldn't have sent them off without a way to know where they are and if they are cutting class, so decided against it. So they reluctantly set off towards their friends' houses, with the intent of bringing them back to class, where a certain blunette was diligently cleaning the classroom.

[Kana's PoV]

I briskly walked down the street, scanning the houses. Hisako and Katsuki hadn't attended school today, which was rather unusal, considering the duo took their education seriously. I'm determined to try and figure out why they had skipped today. 'Ah! There it is!'

A familiar house came into view. I took a quick look back and forth before running across the road. I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. Muffled shouts and the sound of feet pounding on the floor, stomping over to the door could be heard. Katsuki flung the door open, face flushed red in anger. He instantly recognized me and all signs of anger vanished.

"Oh, it's just you Kana-chan, come in." Katsuki stepped out of the doorway and opened the door wider so I could step in. "Forgive the intrusion." I stepped inside his house. I looked around. "Where's Hisako? Also why aren't you two at school?" I inquired, looking at him questioningly. Katsuki looked at me, confused, before it dawned on him. We actually have a teacher. And he was late for school.

I snicker as he rushed around, panic in full bloom on his face. While doing this he replied in short gasps, "" He tries sucking in breaths.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, turning towards the hall. I walked over to her room, contemplating whether or not I should knock. I decided the latter, and barged into her room. Hisako was sitting at the computer, hunched over the keyboard furiously typing something, brow furrowed in concentration. Hisako didn't look up, not concerned. I snuck closer to her and tapped her shoulder twice.

She yelped, startled, and whipped around to glare at whoever had bothered her. She visibly relaxed when she saw my familiar face, although still annoyed.

"Hey Hisako-chan~!" I smile at her, but she ignores this, now pouting more than glaring. I shake my head, smiling to myself. "Hisako-chan, you're late for school. We have a teacher now, y'know. You can't skip class." At this her eyes widened.

She frantically finished typing a few more lines before saving it and shutting down her computer. She then scurries off to back her bag, in the same panicked state her brother was in moments ago. Soon, both twins managed to get themselves ready to go to school.

We eventually left the house, and as we walked I explained our predicament to them. They stare at me, with twin expressions of annoyance, disbelief, and resoluteness. Wait, resoluteness?

"....we are not getting Reiji. Or Kyōsuke. Or any of those idiotic delinquients." The two said in unison.
I stare at them, before bursting out in laughter. They too started giggling, and we all hurried off to look for our classmates.

Ahhhhh so sorry for being late.....I was kinda busy. Oh well, at least it was only a day overdue. I hope to get another chapter out in two days or so. Have a good day you guys, and please lemme know what you all think of this story, gimmie feedback or whatever. Also gonna mention I didn't edit this, don't have the time, I'll edit later, 'kay? Seeya soon!

~Anime-Dragons (aka Kana Suzuki)

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