Ch. 6: Maybe he chose right.

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~~~Time skip to ch. 4 & 5 in case you are confused~~~


I handed Dexter a box, one of those you put clothes in as a holiday gift. “I got you something too. I’m going to head out, but I’ll be back soon.”

I grab my phone and beanie and walk out of the bedroom and apartment. I walk down the steps, into my car, and start driving to the Creature’s Office. The entire drive there, I can’t help but be so terrified of Dexter’s reaction to my note, my declaration of love, but it had to be done. And I couldn’t have done it without Eddie’s help. He’s really been a bro in this situation. And I can’t thank him enough. I just really hope this doesn’t ruin any of our friendships.

The car halts to a stop as I turn off the engine. I grab my keys and jog up to the office building. Unlocking a door with shaking hands isn’t the easiest. Not expecting anyone in the office, I jog over to my room, and change into my date clothes that Eddie had picked out for me. I have to say, I look good. With a suit and fedora on, I toss my other clothes in the corner and start to walk down the hall to the bathroom. I have to make sure my hair looks nice.

But of course, nothing can go my way. Because not one, not two, but ALL of the Creatures are here. They are playing some game on the wii, probably just for fun. No one gave me the memo!

I try and stealth mode my way past the door. And I almost made it until…

“ALEKS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” I screech to a halt and turn to see Jordan giving me a suspicious look. Eddie has the look of death. Dan is busy trying to edit some footage on his laptop, and gives me a sideways glance. James and Seamus are bumping each other, trying to mess the other up on Mario Kart. Eventually, they pause the game to turn my way. It almost looks like Seamus slid his hand into James’ back pocket. Eh I bet my eyes need checked.

I quickly try and come up with an excuse, “Oh um well I left some footage on my computer here so I came to email to myself. So I could edit it back at the apartment.” Hey that was a pretty good excuse!

Jordan looks me up and down, “Really? Well, how do you explain the tux?” My heart stops. I guess the excuse wasn’t so good after all.

“Oh it’s for a skit Dexter and I are doing. As like an intro thing for Sanity Not Included.” Dang I’m on a roll! I got this!

I start to walk towards the stairs, “Well, it was nice running into your guy’s gaming session that I wasn’t invited to. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

I’m halfway down the steps until Eddie grabs my shoulder.

“Hahaha hey you off to your dateeeeeee?” He laughs and jumps around like a giddy teenage girl.

Shrugging off his shoulder, I continue down the steps, “Yes, I just hope that what you notice from Dexter’s behavior is right. And that our friendship isn’t ruined.”

I hop into the car and wave at Eddie. Dan decides to freak me out by yelling out the window.

“HEY ALEKS! HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE WITH DEXTER!” I flash a glare to Eddie. He just runs up the stairs with the biggest smirk on his face. I hope he’s happy with himself.


I glance at my watch. 5pm. I was out for about 45 minutes. God, I bet Dexter looks amazing.

Mustering up some courage, I knock on the door. I think I might pass out. Oh god, what if he says NO. What if I completely disgusted him and he’s moving out. Maybe he didn’t even get the note. No Aleks, you can’t freak out. You have to do this. Man up. You’re stronger than this.

“Come in!” I hear from inside. Holding my jacket over my shoulder, I walk in to Dexter still in his normal clothes, pacing the floor. And looking at me in awe.

Maybe he didn’t get the note. “Hey. Sorry, um, you got my note, right?” I slide past Dexter into the kitchen to lay down my jacket and hat. I hope I don’t seem too nervous.

My roommate closes the door and slowly turns towards me, “Yes, I did Aleks. I need to, ummm, tell you something.”

Oh god, okay, I came too early, he’s too surprised, something. “Oh, you need more time to change? I’m so sorry I’ll hop on the xbox and play some Halo or something.”

I walk over to the xbox, until Dexter grabs onto my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“No, Aleks. I’m not getting dressed for our date.” I start to cry for some reason. Why am I crying? It’s no big deal. I knew this would happen.

I turn around to meet his eyes, “You… don’t feel the same?” I slide my hand to fit with his.

“No… Aleks…” He broke away from my hand and runs his hand through his hair. Dexter seems genuinely puzzled. God, I should have never done this. Now we can’t be friends at all, let alone roommates or coworkers.

Then, the words I knew would come, the words I prepared for, the words that crushed me, came. “I don’t know how to say it. But maybe it’s because I don’t know what I feel. Or if I’m even ready to act on what I feel. I’m sorry Aleks. You don’t deserve this.”

Whatever reputation as a bad boy, a guy without emotions, is wrong. Because now, I start to cry. I try to blink the tears away, but they keep spilling over. I don’t know what to do anymore. What to think anymore. My mind is just a jumbled mess of emotions and thoughts. But in that mess, the mess of ME, is one thought that keeps being repeated.

Maybe he chose right.



*cough* ahem. Sorry. *straightens shirt* Well, anyways. I hope you all enjoyed this long chapter! Sorry about the cliffhanger, it’s because this is the first part of a super long upload so I had to split it into 2 somewhere!

I’m sorry if these chapters are super long, but I gotta fit everything that needs to be said in one chapter, in one chapter.

By the way, THANK YOU SO MUCH to    on instagram for the AMAZING drawing that is featured on this chapter! It’s a Fox with a Transformer’s helmet on! LOVE IT SO MUCH I WANT IT ON A T SHIRT!

Sorry if I seem a little hyper, it’s the afternoon right now. Normally I write at around midnight.

As always, thanks for reading! The next chapter should be up soon!


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